Are PnC adventure games on iOS and mobile platforms the future?

The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, cited above, has 801 DPI, which is insane :smiley: for a smartphone and way higher than what a human eye would need at normal distances from the screen, no matter how detailed a textual character is.

For comparison, most magazines are printed at 300 DPI/PPI or at 720 DPI/PPI if they need to achieve photographic quality. Everything above that doesn’t make any difference for 99% of the human beings.

The only case in which you would actually need smaller pixels would be if you have to watch the screen from a very short distance which, of course, is not a natural or common or healthy behavior.

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Steve Jobs smart at stealing ideas…
Wozniak and Xerox invented everything. But it’s clear that being such beepholes helps a lot…

There is no denying the sales model for software is changing. I’m not sure if its because of bloat in the distribution channel or greed. Look at how current software is sold ie; Microsoft by way of office 365 and Adobe have moved to reoccurring cost structure. Is it evil to be profit able or is it profitable to produce clunky software seems to be the moral debate here. All I am saying is don’t slap yourself on the wrist because you want to thrive and create new projects. There just aren’t investments in this world that payback the instant you get to market. IAP or paid content is should be a mechanism to make returns hyperbolic rather than y=mx+b.