I got a lot personal questions I would like to share with you to better decide…
Look closely at the original art of those games listed below, do they seem to you:
a) cartoon
b) realistic
c) stylized (cartoon w realistic elements)
d) I prefer full 2D
e) i prefer full 3D with same camera views
f) all needs to be 4K
I think it looks good because it doesn’t try and doesn’t need to be realistic, Sam&Max works with cartoon style with simple shapes and a simple 3D engine. This certainly wouldn’t work with The Dig.
What is the question? It seems to me d) to f) are possible answers to another question (like if there would be a remake of this, what kind of art direction would you prefer?), while a) to c) is what you asked : how does the original art style look like?
The Dig is the only one that comes across as realistic, perhaps the background of Simon the sorceror too.
On the other side of the spectrum, Sam&Max and MI2 have a clear cartoon feel.
All the rest is in that middle category, even though I still get the same feeling about Kyrandia when seeing that ridiculous number of green shades used in the grass -which gave the game a very “realistic” super-HD feel back in the days. But that’s probably only the nostalgia talking.
The Dig is the only one that comes across as realistic - agree
the background of Simon the sorceror too - agree
**Sam&Max cartoon - agre
MI2 cartoon - disgree, MI2 character doesnt look cartoon at all. stylized backgrounds and realistic characters is more like it.
Kyrandia, very “realistic” super-HD - agree
Ah. Sorry. It wasn’t clear to me what you were asking. I thought you wanted to get some opinions, but apparently you just wanted to tell other people what is the absolute truth. Point taken.
I also think MI2 being more cartoony because although the backgrounds looking realistic they have this painting-feel to them and also the characters often act cartoony.
Ok, let me rephrase. I thought he wanted to have our thoughts (“to better decide”, “do they seem to you”), because he was facing a dillema which kind of remake art style fits best for which kind of original art style (I guess, as still now the original post question is superfluous). If he had already clearly made up his mind (up to the level of expressing things like art style in percentages), why bother asking in the first place?
Anyway, the post showed backgrounds. Only backgrounds. So then disagreeing because of the character in MI2, just underlines the feeling he was out to start a disagreement. Opposed to trying to collect inputs for art direction.
I still think MI2 (backgrounds) is more cartoon-style due to its use of saturated colors and (very) slight warping of perspectives (which was taken to whole new levels in DoTT). And also Guybrush looks more cartooney in MI2 than in MI. To me. I probably grew up reading and watching different kind of cartoons.
And to “answer” options d) to f), I like the art in all these games just the way they were. Or I just don’t care for remakes when the original still plays fine. 4K is a (ridiculously high) resolution, by the way, which is not mutually exclusive to either 2D or 3D. It is mutually exclusive to my PC though
Agreed, but still it all felt like that old joke :
“Excuse me. Do you know where the train station is?”
“Sorry, no”
“Well, you go straight ahead here, then take the second street on your right and then…”
I fully agree on that. New games with new contents use to be more interesting.
There have been some nice remakes, such as the MI SEs, but the style is totally different from the originals.
I don’t remember any remake which attracted me more than the original. I just like the feeling of playing THE original game. The examples above were released with contemporary artworks back then, so they just have patina nowadays, rather than being withered.
By the way, I agree that some animations in MI 2 are quite cartoonish. Also, I don’t think that the general style of the artworks was realistic. It reminds me too much of paintings.
I can’t but think that we played those games when they were quite “new”, or more generally speaking when their style was still perceived as new or at least contemporary, not outdated, by (part of) younger generations.
So I can’t but agree with you all when you say you like the original style more.
But what about new users? People that weren’t born when we played those games? Maybe the target of such remake operations is aimed at them. Don’t you think so? I’m not saying that I agree with that, I simply can’t express a firm opinion about remakes (even if I personally don’t like them particularly as said before).
I didn´t live through the 50s. Yet when I have the choice between seeing a movie from that time in black and white or a colorized version, I instantly will go for the original.
That’s true. People who have grown up with more recent games might prefer the remakes in most cases. When I read the comments on the dev blog or in these forums, I noticed sometimes that there are exceptions, but those might be a minority.
Unfortunately, the entire (point & click) adventure games genre seems to be a niche in general. For this reason, I guess that Ron ought to consider a more modern art style next time in order to make enough money.
I have the same opinion on silent movies. Most remakes are done just because the original was very successful. But, in most cases, the original movie (or game) was successful for very particular reasons, which cannot be recreated by just making a remake.