This game feels like the most Ron Gilbert SCUMM game I’ve played in a while.
Am i stuck?
Inventory: pick, hydrochloride acid, cloth with hydrochloride acid, operational video cam, garage door opener
I have already fixed the electricity wire (don’t know where it is going… somewhere in the basement)
I think I need todivert the old lady- by calling- but it is too dark to see the number with the camera
I found out that the hydrochloride acid could be used to remove poster, but I don’t know which one or why
Hydrochloride acid, cloth and Linus. And optics.
I was wishing the ending would have revealed that Billy was actually mental.
Awesome game! I love the graphics and atmosphere. It’s very true to the original MM style indeed. Cool puzzles & story, cool characters!
At first, I thought I would miss the SCUMM verbs, but I ended up liking the new simple UI.
I really enjoyed playing it and hope, that Postmodern Adventures will make more games like this in the future. Or a full-length version/sequel of this. That would be a dream.
I finally got around to playing this. What a great (short) adventure game!
Why did I miss this? I’ll try it as soon as I can!
Played today. Very good short adventure, well made puzzles and a good story, about a 16-years-old teen who isn’t believed by his parents (how many times we fallen into that situation?)… but as the title says, he was right, at the end!
Just played it! So well done. I really enjoyed the Maniac Mansion vibe. Has anyone tried this other game by the same developer?: