Gaming Experience Survey


My name is Frances Perrett, and I’m a Computer Science student at the University of York in the UK. I’m currently working on my Master’s project, and as part of my project I am running a survey. My aim is to try and understand how different gaming experiences affect each other. The amazing moderators of your forum have been kind enough to let me post an advert for my survey here, which I’m incredibly thankful for. The survey takes 10-20 minutes to complete. I hope that as many of you as possible take part in the survey, as I want the results to be as reliable and applicable as possible, and in order to do that I need a broad range of people to take part. So if you haven’t played Thimbleweed Park for a while, or haven’t completed whatever game you’re currently playing, then that’s totally fine, and I’m still more than happy to hear from you.

Once the survey is closed, I’d be more than happy to discuss the results in full here as well, if anyone’s interested in that.

You can find the questionnaire here:

All the best, Frances Perrett, University of York

P.S. Feel free to share the link on whatever social media platforms you feel like, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Always appreciated


What does the first question mean?

I’ve had some questions about the first question. It can be any game at all, doesn’t have to be Thimbleweed Park. It’s asking about the most recent game you played in your last gaming session.

What personal details are required?

The only personal details asked are about age range, gender, country and at the end it asks for an email, but these are all completely optional questions that you don’t have to answer.

Why are some questions so similar?

I’m currently using two pre-validated questionnaires which may have some cross-over. I wish there was some way to reduce the amount of questions, but I need to run an analysis on repeated questions in this section first. It’s something I hope to improve in the future.

Will I get to see the results?

Yes. My project report will be in English and released around January, and there’s a place to drop your email at the end of the survey if you’d like to read the entire thing. But I’ll be posting my results to all the subreddits and forums that have allowed me to post asking for participants within two weeks of the survey closing.

I did the survey a few months ago, can I still take this survey?

Yes. While there are a few similar or the same questions from the last survey, it is a different survey with a different goal.

Do I have to enter my email at the end?

No. All of the personal details at the end (age, country, gender, etc.) as well as the open ended questions, and the option to enter your email are completely optional, and you can leave all of them blank if you want.

I played by myself physically, but I was matched with strangers online, do I count as playing alone or playing with others?

That counts as playing with others. In the next screen you’ll be able to specify who you played with and whether or not they were physically present or online.

What’s your favourite game?

So no-one’s actually asked me this, but at the moment I’m playing a lot of Pixel Dungeon, and really love Oxenfree and Night in the Woods.


I am 16 but I did the survey… any problem?

FWIW, I gave them permission to post this survey. Thanks for asking.


I wonder how many of us did not put “Thimbleweed Park” in that field :grin:

If we’re talking about really played (as opposed to impulse buying AvP on GOG and playing it for two minutes) then I’d have to say Zak McKracken. :wink:


Say whaaaaaat?

That fucking german index sure reduces the count of games on GOG quite a bit. :frowning:

I actually played Wolfenstein 3D for close to an hour in between Zak McKracken play sessions. /whistles

What’s wrong with AvP? Too many nazi xenomorphs?


I think you kill marines, too. That is it I believe.

Better ban Starcraft pronto!

(For all I know it’s been banned for decades…)

Starcraft funnily enough never had the same problems that Command & Conquer had.

Well, there is this…



I guess: did you put Fortnite?

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Nope! I am hyped about Fortnite but I don’t play it… Good guess though… I had put Death Road to Canada.

That is a game that surprised me: It doesn’t look very complex or funny, but if you start it, you can’t stop playing it. :slight_smile: (If you like such kind of survival games.)

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Seriously I agree with you…

One of the few characters I made:-

The first one is me, being like Player Unknown.

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