I mean seriously… you all seem to be online all the time… please just answer the question.
I check this forum every day, a dozen times a day.
Too much!
I guess half an hour or so, usually while doing other things. It clears my mind, it’s relaxing.
What the others said. I haven’t stopped the time (but it’s too much).
Same here. It’s a good distraction during those moments at work when nothing is happening, and I need to keep my mind occupied.
I like reading it during my commute, and yeah, for a break from work. And when I’m cooking, actually. Sometimes I have long stints of not checking it though, when there are more pressing things to attend to
You can do that? When I’m cooking I have to focus on the meal. Otherwise it won’t be eatable.
It depends on the meal, I guess. I usually do it if it involves periods of waiting, like heating a liquid, sweating vegetables or boiling off alcohol.
Or, when I’m feeling less adventurous – waiting for fish fingers to cook
We should cook together and invite @milanfahrnholz as a test person guest for dinner…
Well that would certainly cut down my forum time
Also for some reason that scenario makes me think of Hannibal.
Spending way too much time here. Or not enough after all. I’m writing my thesis or better, I should write it, but I rather check every few minutes what is going on here.

Well that would certainly cut down my forum time
Ah come on…you´d be here often enough even without me…
Though I´ve noticed there are sometimes extended periods where we both check regulary but don´t write anything, but then one of us writes something and the reply comes immediatly and then it all starts again…
Which reminds me how that went with my best friend in kindergarten where when he wasn´t there I´d just sit bored in a corner all day. I told him that years later and he said when I wasn´t there he´d just leave again.
But this is really nothing like that, because I like you other guys too!

when he wasn´t there I´d just sit bored in a corner all day
I have been here at least once a day since I joined.

Ah come on…you´d be here often enough even without me…
I guess. I reckon there would be a significant decline in off-topic discussion, though
I´m not even sure about that. @someone is pretty good at that, too.

Also for some reason that scenario makes me think of Hannibal.
What’s wrong with you, Kate?
Hmmm, wait a moment…
…Pieces… Of… Kate…

both check regulary but don´t write anything,
When was that?

I´m not even sure about that. @someone is pretty good at that, too.

When was that?
That happens. But of course it isn´t documented because…duh!
About 2times half an hour a day (or that’s what I tell myself). Mostly reading posts in threads I thought I had read until finish. Sometimes reading through older ones I never followed and commenting on those like 3 months after the party.