Help!!! i am stuck for hours.
I think i need to seek the name in the wall in the phonebook but i cant find it.
It says Aurora Keane?
Screenshot from 2020-04-25 22-21-40|690x389 !
Screenshot from 2020-04-25 22-21-51|690x388
Help!!! i am stuck for hours.
I think i need to seek the name in the wall in the phonebook but i cant find it.
It says Aurora Keane?
Screenshot from 2020-04-25 22-21-40|690x389 !
Screenshot from 2020-04-25 22-21-51|690x388
Yes, that is the correct name!
Note that the phone book is sorted exactly by this displayed name (i.e. not last names first!).
So you have to look under ‘A’ and also note that there are multiple pages with names starting with ‘A’:
Don’t worry, it happens.
The grey ones were backers which didn’t record custom voice messages back then. For this puzzle all numbers are used though.