At some point in the game, one of the agents wakes up in the sewers. Down there you will find a wall with a name on it. Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions about that name:
You have to find the name in the phone book.
You can turn the pages in the phone book. Some letters consist of more than two pages.
The names in the phone book are sorted by the first name (not the last name).
Every name in the phone book could appear on the wall. Even the ones printed in (light) grey.
If you have problems to read the name, you should keep in mind that the names can contain special characters and/or double quotes, for example “Lucky” Annie LeBlanc.
But the letters are interesting if you are trying to decipher the text on the wall: Does the phone book only contain letters from A to Z? Or special characters like the German Umlaute äöü?
Impressive how that part is an issue for so many people. Totally unexpected, by me. I wonder if @RonGilbert is surprised by this too, if the problem somehow showed during the playtests and what does he think about the matter.