---- Is Ron working on a Monkey Island 3a? ----

Probably it is my english sorry for that.

Im sorry if you feel annoyed and that I made you look that bullets point specifically that was not my intention even if for me those bullet points have sense.

me too, but considering it is from 2013 everything could have changed, or probably not :slight_smile:

Only if you leave we can tell, do you best!

Your English is fine. For my sanity could your break down the bullet points and what they mean to you?

no, you gotta suffer , read them and make connections :smiley:

yes that’s what he said many times

You serious man? :worried:

No. Sorry to give that impression. Bad joke on my part.
edit: I really am sorry to give that impression. I’m not a complete jerk.


No problem, I was just worried :sweat_smile:


Just another hint.

In my opinion he is working on MI3a :slight_smile:

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He can’t. Unless he wants to be sued.

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I agree with you. Unless he obtained the IP and did not tell the audience about that :slight_smile:

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WTH? That should be “Re-elect gov. Marley”!

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ahahahahaha I hope @RonGilbert will read this :smiley:

Ron already mentioned in a recent interview he is not working on a Monkey Island game:

“I was actually just playing Monkey Island yesterday. I think any time I start up a new adventure game I always go back and I play Monkey Island and I just kind of want to get my head back in that state even though the game has nothing to do with Monkey Island. It’s a new adventure game and I want to kind of go back.”


Which interview is that? Thanks!

It’s an interview by onaretrotip:


I do bet you can.


He’s probably not working on a Monkey Island 3a…

But maybe he is working on a Monkey Island 2b…


What’s wrong with just “Monkey Island 3”? There still is no game with that name.


you destroyed my dreams :frowning:

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Well well…
1st of April joke free blog, and now this.
Let’s wait and see