Just released adventure games

I also like Prince of Persia and Blackhawk/Blackthorne, I liked those relatively slow paced and exact platformers.

Oh, but apparently I didn’t like it at all, it was just a snowball effect and I wanted to look cool :man_shrugging:

I agree with @Someone.

You realise they just made this for guys like you who can’t stand large pixels anymore?

This version is not supposed to be played on original hardware.
If you want to play the original buy it second hand and play it on your DOS machine.
(btw. those who can afford modern hardware can use REminiscence instead)

  • You can just purchase it, without sifting through ebay.
  • It costs < 10 EUR.
  • You can buy it digitally.
  • It has ™ in its title, the official seal of quality for everything.
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