Lady is stuck in sewer

Please make sure you are searching by first name. This is a common mistake since most phone books are organised in “last name, first name” fashion, but in Thimbleweed Park they are organised in alphabetical order by first name.

Look for “Benjamin” in the “B” pages.


Search the phone book in WYSIWYG mode :smile:

It’s ther ein the game! Did you miss it? :joy: I linked a YT video above with the demonstration of it.

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Well it’s ‘there’ if you stand still for long enough on that exact spot, which I guess I never did. It is directly under some chocolate bars and a pole, to be fair :stuck_out_tongue:

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I haven’t played a lot of Commander Keen games but I played this particular one. Haven’t seen this until now, what a nice and sneaky Easter egg!

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And it still happens only once in the game. But the moon pyramid also gave access to the secret level/pyramid.

Getting all the info in pre-internet time was painful. Now it’s so easy with Google and all the wiki sites. :sweat_smile:

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I am trying to read this name correct for half an hour and couldn’t find anything. Can you help?

@Tahanatos You mean you can’t find Andrej von Schilling in the phone book?

Don’t forget that there are multiple pages for every letter, e.g. click on those arrows:

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I found it. That was my bad thank you

I can’t find the person’s name in the book, it looks like this:

Suenghan Jee.
It’s on the second last page of letter S
There are more than 2 pages. There is a red Arrow at the bottom edges. Klick on that to see the next page.

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hey, could u please help me to fing this one? i’m really stuck and dk what to do(

The name is Miquel Tomàs Homs and his phone number is 5566.
Note: This phone book entry doesn’t have a voice message, maybe this is the reason you didn’t spot him?