Maniac Mansion released on Steam

No he doesn’t

Well, maybe there’s some resemblance around the eyes…

But back on topic this character has some resemblance around the teeth to Weird Ed:


Terry Jones is the lead singer of Deep Purple?


Btw. what is the reason you chose MM v1 over v2, or are you playing both?

I seem to remember that she played the PC v1 Version back in the day so that might be why she goes with that.

Aye, that’s correct. I used to play it on DOS so picked the non-enhanced version. I’m assuming the ‘enhanced’ one means enhanced graphics. Either way I wanted the purest option.


Mostly. Perhaps some other minor fixes and changes under the hood. But 99.9% of the difference should be the higher resolutions of graphics.

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The original version is said to be speedrun heaven because the lab door always opens when you put in 0000. I don´t think any later version have this and certainly not the steam version.

Both v1 (C64 graphics) and v2 (enhanced graphics) were released on DOS. I played v2 first (on DOS) so I am more attached to this one.

This bug only applied to the NES port, all others correctly initialized the door code at the beginning of the game.

That´s weird that a later version would have that. In the original version it would seem to make sense as sort of a intentional cheat implemented for testing purposes.

The C64 version is the only version where Jeffs footsteps make no sound (because the Surfer Dude walks barefoot.)

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Oh right, I see. Looking at the screenshots of both I definitely played v1 – much more crude!



The NES version(s) is a complete reimplementation on a completely different platform and completely different graphics with the possibility of introducing completely new bugs.

That’s interesting!

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I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but… how have I never looked behind that bush before?! :flushed: finally I can drain the bloody pool!

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Tsk tsk tsk, all that time wasted beating around it instead…

Seriously though, you´ll be delighted what important items you may find now! :smiley:

I was glad for the batteries.

I was not so delighted at what happened shortly after this:

“Hooray! A glowing key! Surely THIS will open the medical cabinet!”

Glowing = Important

What´s the most important goal?

No no no… you have to ask yourself: why is it glowing? Why is it rusty?
That’ll help more than just trying any combination of key + lock

Yeah I wondered that. Like… radioactive?

Also, re this bit

So after Dr Fred plays one of the arcade machines I went back to try and collect the money, but there’s still none in the boxes. Should I have done that before I fixed the wires?


Ohhhh, I know now…

Arrghh, the way you´re phrasing your question I can´t answer you! :scream:

Listen, who collects the money from those machines? Absolutly everyone? Anyway maybe you will want to get the money somewhere else and play a bit on that machine?

The way your mind seems to tend to walk in completly different directions (twice alone in the previous two posts) I wouldn´t be so sure about that but okay for now. :slight_smile:

I was right :stuck_out_tongue:

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