Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re correct there.
Meanwhile, the brown stripey thing next to Yin / Yang’s butt looks like… well…
Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re correct there.
Meanwhile, the brown stripey thing next to Yin / Yang’s butt looks like… well…
Oh nooooooooooo!
I’ve written a lot of jokes in my time. I went to uni to study comedy writing and stand up! fact.
You might need to actually stand up, because it seems that the jokes are going over your head
Aristocrats, You say?
I believe this Ransome will become like…
Want me to tell an aristocrats joke?
Sure! And in the style of , of course!
Isn´t that the natura* of aristcrats jokes, that they are very like?
*hmmm, no I´m not gonna correct that one.
I can’t say I’ve heard enough of them to know if they are or not.
Anyway, go ahead!
I´ve actually been thinking just yesterday of opening a random anecdotes thread. I´ve got sooooo many stories to tell.
Oh, Jean-Luc, how could I say no to you!
Today I’ll be doing my MRI scan and a Ransome-like pick-up line came to my mind.
Are you an MRI machine? Because you’re very attractive and I want to be inside you as soon as possible.
Inside an MRI? I mean, knowing the results, sure, but being in the MRI?
But perhaps the weird connotations would be something for Ransome…
Heheh, because magnets.