A LucasArts hint line exists in the Monkey Island universe. You can call it in the jungle of Dinky Island. It would make perfect sense to have that in RTMI, too, but with real hints this time.
Just like what they did in Thimbleweed Park.
The RTMI voice director Khris “Chester” Brown could play the role of the LucasArts phone operator Chester.
Dubbing in progress. I wonder if the italian counterpart of Dominic Armato (Giuseppe Calvetti) has been contacted to dub RTMI.
I’ll just leave this image here. It’s a cover made in 2019 by Steve Purcell for this book.
Interestingly, there’s a monkey wearing a golden key.
Poor Khris Brown. It was always obvious to me that Chester was supposed to be a woman, though I hadn’t realised that it was based on Khris Brown. It’s a pity that the Special Edition artists apparently interpreted the character as a man. Incidentally, I do wonder if the sign on the desk didn’t in fact read “CHEATER” and wrongly got interpreted as “Chester”. Then again, “Chester” may have been a gentle rib at Khris’ name sounding like a boy’s name.
Which he used for DOTT. Yes - Ron was involved on the design of that game before leaving (heard or read that in an interview once)
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That graffiti tag botton left looks like a… like a… a 4-armed tentacle!!!
I (luckily) disagree. There are other characters in the games that show up again (even in the second game) without too much explanation. The less the better even!
Stan, Toothrot, Voodoo Lady, the three men of lower moral fibre. Imagine the boring dialogs involved trying to explain each time how they wound up on this island or in a different job. Or “hey, didn’t you have a peg leg in the last game?”
For old fans, they’ll know the games and recognise them. For new players, they shouldn’t constantly feel like they are missing something to appreciate the game/story/jokes. “OK, this is a pirate. Got it!”
In CoMI, you could also select different options in dialog to reflect your experience in varying degrees of amnesia. I can only imagine how confusing that must feel for someone who hasn’t played the first two games. It works really well in case you did or forgot most about it.
But if I were developing the game, I would focus on the now and enjoyment of this game rather than any convoluted canon catering cringeworthy cowdoodoo.
From what I read in the interview, Dave and Ron seem to take that approach too. It is a (fun) game, not everything has to make perfect sense and display flawless continuity.
Honestly, I am also sick from seeing all the criticism on the art style. Next thing you know, they may decide RTMI is going to be a complete disappointment and it is better to cancel the game.
He licked one of the mushrooms beneath Monkey Island.
Those characters you mention are a completely different kettle of fish though. A continuity discrepancy/break of canon is not the same as characters existing and moving on in life between installments. Murray was introduced in The Curse of Monkey Island, having been decapitated during events at the start of the game and he meets Guybrush for the first time during those events.
Therefore, if (and that is a big ‘if’) Return to Monkey Island is set entirely before the events of The Curse of Monkey Island and he is already decapitated and he interacts with Guybrush, then it will literally make no sense, given that Ron has sated that they have kept The Curse of Monkey Island within canon to this new game. That would be akin to making a prequel to The Secret of Monkey Island and having Guybrush fall in love with Elaine and encounter and defeat LeChuck during the events of said prequel, only for both events to reoccur, as though for the first time, during the events of the original game, with no reference made to the adventures from the prequel.
That’s an odd extrapolation to make from the critical reaction to the art style. Literally nobody has said, nor implied, that the whole game is now a write off and should be cancelled. The fact is that, as fans, we have very little to go off thus far, aside from the art style, so it makes sense that the art direction of the game is what’s being discussed at length (both in terms of praise and criticism).
it really doesn’t matter. In old universal horrors or buddy comedies or looney toons you had character origins or characters meeting for the first time more than once, while at the same time referencing known events from those past stories and no one got confused. It’s a fun freedom in storytelling to be able to assume your audience is not a bunch of stooges that need everything to fit together perfectly lest they become confused and start walking into walls.
I don’t see why wanting consistency in storytelling makes one an idiotic stooge.
Kenny’s resurrections bother you, don’t they?
It’s also worth pointing out that those are two different Chesters on purpose. One in classic mode, and a different one in remastered mode. They also have a different voice.
is there a voice for the classic version?
You say that and yet they actually explained Kenny’s resurrections in two separate episodes of South Park. Brilliantly so, in fact.
Ah yes, that’s right. I had forgotten.
While I don’t care about how canonical the other games will be, I think that for a professional writer shouldn’t be impossible to come up with an idea that gives sense to the presence of Murray in RtMI.
I predict Murray is one of the toys in guybrush’s room (in the real world)
We’re all talking about the fact that Murray got detached due to Guybrush’s actions in CMI.
But has this been confirmed? I always thought it’s something we assumed, because there are skeleton parts everywhere, but does he actually say he was on a body before they got blown up?
And even if he says so… in Tales of Monkey Island Murray is for a short time on top of Santino’s body. What if the body he’s using in CMI was not his original one, but another skeleton he somehow decapitated in order to use it?
I see no continuity problem in having Murray as a head.
Yes. When you ask him why he laughs, he says “there are some fish tickling my feet” and the arm with the cutlass is his too. “Hey, that’s mine!”
Now, nothing prevents Murray to be reassembled and disembodied a couple of times during his career as an undead, right?
Wasn’t Murray in Escape from Monkey Island too?
I don’t remember anything from that game.
He was in Tales though.
Yes, in front of the casino.