On September 22nd night, David Fox will be in Italy (even the walls know it now), as special guest in a totally Zak McKracken’s dedicated night.
There will be the possibility to ask questions to David Fox.
I will be the spokesperson for users of this forum.
Like in the spirit of the Thimbleweed Park Friday Question Podcasts, it will be more fun for David to answer questions on-the-fly, face to face, than in the forum comments.
The whole session will be filmed.
OK, so this is how it works.
In this thread, write a question. Don’t hotlink David’s name, he won’t answer here (otherwise, that question won’t be made for that night) and I’ll grab 10 or so that are interesting and/or informative and/or funny.
You have until 23:59 (CEST) Sunday 16th September to write your questions.
Please, keep them focused on Zak McKracken or the adventure games he was involved in, or anything related to Lucasfilm/Lucasarts.
Zak has many dead ends - and some of them are obvious like running out of money. How was the testing process of a game at that time and Zak in particular? Were such dead ends an issue back then or were they accepted by developers and players (the Sierra games had them too)?
I am asking this because it was your game in part that sparked my interest in these things but it also might with its tongue-in-cheek approach to them (and also the fact that it was a puzzle/adventure game) be in part responible for me being more of a scholar of James Randi than of David Spangler these days. So I guess I turned out to be a skeptic who is nontheless fascinated with these ideas.