Seguso's Adventure Game Thread

Makes sense, but that would be the only beep in the game! Right at the start :slight_smile:

Let me try again… what about “son of an excellent woman”?

Or simply “that pig” or “that bastard”? It could work! Yes, bastard is fine… that will do for now.

Son of a porky pig? Sounds humorous

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Too childish for the mom character :slight_smile:

Use the Disney strategy:
Son of a %!#&@

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That makes sense, but I like “bastard” more :slight_smile:

“That son of a…err… your grandmother!”


Or, considering there are magical creatures in this land: “That son of a witch!”


Interesting but the mom doesn’t stutter, and doesn’t hesitate! :smile:

when he’s practicing his booze-disappearing spells, that son a witch!

“My grandmother was a witch?”

“She birthed a demons child anyway.”


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That’s not stuttering. Stuttering would be:
“That son a of a b-b-b- … s-s-son of a b-b-b-… beautiful mother-in-law!”


Bastard is harsher than bitch. I would go for pig, which is a good insult without being a swearword.


Note: in Delores, “bitch” is also used in one line to reference Lenore


I actually like without the stutter :smile:

“That son of a beautiful mother in law”

I could pick this, then!

But if bastard is harsher, and I believe it was acceptable for the mom, it follows that “son of a bitch” is acceptable too. Maybe I’ll revert to “Son of a bitch” then…

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623 lines still to translate…

But I’m satisfied with the result. I think 95% of the humour and tone is preserved. :slight_smile:


Can you guys suggest a satanic/evil catch-phrase that’s funny and well known? I need it for a character who has gone mad and devoted himself to evil.

Something like “cthulhu fhtagn ph’nglui mglw’nafh” , but a bit less extreme. (in fact, that one will be used later)

In italian , I chose a passage from Dante’s inferno: “Papè Satan Aleppe”, but the reference would be lost on English readers…

Here’s Johnny!



(That also brings to mind the dull boy one!)

I think I need something longer though…

It’s three words, same as your Italian. :laughing:

Sorry, in italian it was “papè satan! papè satan aleppe!”

What would someone who is possessed say?