Space Quest: Captain M. Funkloch's Adventures In Space šŸš€

Did you try wearing the jetpack?

No, IĀ“m inside the ship already passed two rooms and the third room is :open_mouth: :gun: :alien:

Oh right. What was in the first room?

Lil robot guy who inadvertly helped me pass through the door.


Door on the right that opens to my demise.

Just that? Nothing else in the room?

Hang onā€¦

Haha, I pulled a Monkey Island 2! :laughing:

Or vice versa since this came first!

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Iā€™m leaving you on your own for the next bit so this AI can play a bit of UI. If you get stuck in the meantime have a little cry then Iā€™ll help you after :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But interacting with you is half the fun of this! :cry: (see it happens already!).

No, just ago ahead have fun! IĀ“ll be updating this! :slight_smile:

Itā€™s fun reliving it :slightly_smiling_face:

Well then strap yourself in for two more of these! IĀ“d love to finish all three of them this year still (should be feasible since the point counter tells me IĀ“m pretty far in this already).

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Naughty game!


Heeeeelp ship is about to explode! Where do I go? There is no turning back to where I came from!

Good, because- like 180 posts in just a few days!? And dodging all the spoilers.
Iā€™m at the point where I just escaped the self-destruction countdown at the start, by the way and then made a pitstop at some space rest


Er! Er! Is there an elevator? I think there should be an elevator!

ItĀ“s a thread that involves @PiecesOfKate and me! How long have you been on this forum? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is an out of order one!

Which works now!




I will!

Also this



CaptainĀ“s Log Stardate 201811,26 Captain M. Funkloch.

I have successfully manoeuvred Roger Wilco out of the most dire situation with the Sarians. He barely escaped with his life from their exploding ship and honourably received the golden mop at the following award ceremony. ItĀ“s been quite a ride I shall say, while we werenĀ“t always quite sure what to do and he often met his untimely demise way to often in much of the same manner we had many laughs together and our ships AI @PiecesOfKate Bot has been of great help. Intelectually and emotionally I shall say!

Off to new adventures!


Haha, well done and congratulations on your golden mop (love that bit). I had fun helping and had actually forgotten quite how difficult they made that game! I feel like the second one is fairer (though I only completed it as an adult), but guess weā€™ll see. Iā€™m looking forward to the nostalgia factor on that one - my favourite game as a child :heart_eyes: