Strange food you should really give a try

No problem, then, if you order it in Italy. You can always ask rhe waiter to do it for you, but in the most of cases the waiter will ask himself if you’d like him to do it.


Obviously you never ate quails or pigeons. That’s an unfair job.


Same here.

Now that I think of it… QUAILS!

That’s a perfect food for this thread. Quite strange, I guess, and really delicious!

The classical recipe is a risotto…

You can’t find this everywhere in Italy. It’s typical of Lombardy, but actually you can be sure to find it only if you go in a traditional Trattoria in Milan.

It’s a traditional home recipe, in my kitchen routine we do it once or twice a year.
The meat of the quail is very tender, not as white as chicken and not as red as pigeon. It has a subtle flavour, and with risotto is really great. In restaurants it is served like in the first pic, but if you’re guest at somebody’s home, you’ll have to be patient and work a little, since it generally comes like this:



I’m trying to figure out how you could do something similar with a quail, but I really don’t…

oh, wait.

Errrr… :flushed:


…and you’ll need some practice, too:


Birdy-nam-nam! :laughing:


:ray: You monster!

:ransome: I guess the signals weren’t strong enough…

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For the records: I don’t think so, but it seems to be a similar meat byproduct…

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In germany it´s called “Frühstücksfleisch”.

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Thinking long and hard, I’d like to add a regional speciality to the list:

It’s something my grandma used to serve occasionally, but I mostly forgot about it until fairly recently. It’s very simple to prepare, as long as you manage to get your hands on some good coarse bratwurst.

Is that scene taken from Hollywood Party?


A nice little funny movie.

Haven’t seen that in Germany, have you @Someone?


No, haven’t seen it yet. But the “filled crust” looks familiar… :thinking:

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They definitely advertise filled crust oddities at Pizza Hut here, or at least they did in recent memory. Maybe also in Germany?

Yes. But in my memory Dr. Oetker has sold similar pizzas. Hm… I can’t find that “New York style pizza” on the German Dr. Oetker website…

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Dr Oetker has entire freezer aisles full of “Big Americans” pizzas and fancy crust pizzas besides the regular ones.

Edit: and then there’s the pizza burger they were advertising heavily a few months ago… suffice it to say I haven’t tried it.