Strange food you should really give a try

Have you ever seen these?

Very famous in Italy, and protagonist of some interracial sexy jokes, too.

I ate tons of them as a child.

You can find them online outside Italy.


Hm. I’m surprised we call it that. We usually call those biscuits rather than cookies (which are bigger and gooey).

Says the girl currently eating Maryland cookies :smile:


Maryland USA? Well that makes sense for them to be called cookies rather than biscuits, right?

The only biscuits we call biscuits are these…erm… spoon? biscuits?

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No, but: :drooling_face: The are looking delicious!

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Do they? :open_mouth: :door: :running_woman:


What you call ladyfingers.

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We call the dough “Biskuit” (English “sponge cake”):

/edit: @milanfahrnholz was faster again… :roll_eyes:


It’s perhps 20 years I don’t eat one… maybe I’ll buy a pack. There are many variants, the most obvious one has a dark filling.

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To be fair she "huh?"ed me not you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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But I started my answer before you began to write. No one types faster than you. Unbelievable.

That´s not true. Kate even pointed out to me how slow I type, the other day. :frowning: And so did Katie…

You on the the other hand seem to “like” faster than you read sometimes.


Don’t worry, you still remain the fastest lover.

Oh, that’s awkward.

I meant , the fastest liker :sweat_smile:



Caution. You don’t want your post to be deleted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s wrong. I am already a fast writer, but are lightning fast. Don’t believe Katie.

Yes, I’m as fast as a sewing machine! Oh. Wait.

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I´d love to paraphrase this Cheers dialogue now only with using a
sewing machine:

Rebecca: “Oh Sam it´s been so long for me, I don´t know…but I think it´s like riding a bicyle!”
Sam:“If you think that it´s like riding a bicycle, it must indeed been really long.”

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What does it mean?

It´s an onomatopoeia for a snorting laughing sound. The kind you make when a childish giggle isn´t enough anymore.

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Isn’t that Narf?

Funny you would say that. That was exactly my reaction the first time I heard that:

Maybe people shouldn´t always zone out during the long exchanges between Kate and I. You could even learn something, you know? :smirk:

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