Tasse-Tee vs TWP Hard Mode!

but not on purpose! :rofl:

Well, itā€™s fun for me to work out what the hints mean, and you can gradually give me more detail if Iā€™m having trouble decrypting them. Like the HintTron 3000 :wink:

But it was also useful to find out that I needed to solve another puzzle first. Iā€™ll give more info next time so you know exactly where Iā€™m at!

Anyway, new finding: the Law of Maps :joy: You may not read them without the Sheriffā€™s approval!


It seems thereā€™s sooo much things I did not try yet!
Iā€™s better start playing the game again too before you spoil everything :wink:

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Just for old timeā€™s sake, you might want to switch to classic sentence and retro verbsā€¦


Yeah, and not right-clicking to open doors, right? :grimacing:


I think this soundclip may be useful during the course of this thread.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The best ending to a podcast!


:joy: :+1:

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*beep* no ?!
Wraf no? :dog:

of course! I even didnā€™t know you could do that (or chose to forget right about that - there is an OPEN verb for a reason)

moving onā€¦ I started from the start againā€¦ I have to admit I dread a bit replaying the slow start. I thought Iā€™d try to take a shortcut by killing Willie with the rock on the first screenā€¦ Boris says something funny (albeit not on purpose)

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:ransome: *BEEP* doors that donā€™t open by themselves!

Imagine if the player was the murderer all along!! :astonished:

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No, that was Hazel andā€¦ermā€¦that other guy.

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Brian. You need to read up on the lore, Milan.
(And we need to write some more, one day :nerd_face: )

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Ah yes! For some reason I always memorise girlsā€™ names better. Maybe I should adopt one or somethingā€¦

Sure! :open_book:


I can just imagine your application form:

Q: Whatā€™s your main quality that would make you a good parent?
A: I can remember the childā€™s name! As long as itā€™s a girl!

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So you have solved the puzzle with the tree now? If not: Ask yourself what you would do in the real world. :slight_smile:

Here! :raising_hand_man:


Hazelā€¦ Brianā€¦ did you just spoil the whole RPG thing ? (Still didnā€™t read it)ā€¦

I am going to play with the new fonts and gasp a controllerā€¦
I might even hook it up to the big TV

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ThatĀ“s on you by now. You had enough time.

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