The (adventure) games on sale thread

Play this before, for free.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit on Steam

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Now on Humble

There is currently a Humble Bundle dedicated to adventure games:

Those that interest me more:

  • Beyond a Steel Sky
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo
  • Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
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Unavowed and Dreamfall Chapters are great.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Will Never Die! felt like a lovely game when I played a demo of it 3 months ago. I didn’t feel like paying the full price for a game without voice acting, but a 35% discount made it worth it for me.

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Several Lucasarts Adventures and SW games (and even Alien/Predator) in various bundles

I already have most of the games, so getting the complete bundle for 1 game isn’t cheap… but if you haven’t then those 17 games for less than 10 $/€ is a steal!

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But Steam only? :thinking:

Yes, and no Linux version either :grimacing:

You can always adjust your donation to give 85% to charity if that soothes the dire taste in your mouth of buying Steam keys :wink:

DOTT and Full Throttle have a Linux version.


And whatever doesn’t has a pretty good chance or working out of the box on Proton (but check ProtonDB if you want to be sure in advance).

Haven’t been to Humble Bundle for quite some time. That outcome doesn’t look too generous. Is that really just ~1.14 EUR for charity per bundle they sold? Do you remember the percentage they pre-selected for charity?

This bundle was live from Sep 9, 2022 to Oct 1, 2022 with 71,624 bundles sold, leading to €81,770 raised for charity.

No, 10% maybe? But I always up it.

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McPixel is 80% off on Steam! This one seems fun.

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I’ve heard of McPixel 3 on GOG but didn’t really knew anything it.
That first game is also available on itch.
Now I wonder: What happenend to the second one?

Sos Sosowski, a Polish developer, also made some C64 related stuff: who doesn’t remember that BASIC line which creates this maze!


I’ve played McPixel and it’s really fun. Disclaimer: you will stick a lot of stuff up elderly men’s butts :slight_smile:

In other news, “From Lex to Rex” is 60%off on steam: Save 60% on From Lex to Rex on Steam


“The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav” is 90% off on Steam. This game is incredibly boring, I only lasted 20 minutes. But it’s 90% off :slight_smile:


I think I had a similar experience 5 (or more?) years ago.


I replayed it once already, and I think it perfectly catches the vibe of the Dark Eye setting. I don’t believe it would manage to do that if it was exciting :wink:.

Plus, I still find the puzzles in the fairy realm were exceptionally well done. A bit of moon logic, perhaps, but what would you expect in a place like this!?

I didn’t get to the puzzles unfortunately. The game started talking about incomprehensible events and strange names, hard to follow, names and events which have no meaning to me. As if it’s part of a series and you are supposed to know those things. Is it not the first game of a series?


It is, but it uses the rather well-known (at least in Germany) pen & paper RPG The Dark Eye (Das Schwarze Auge) as a backdrop, and likely assumes some familiarity with that.

I basically played all cRPGs based on the setting, and that certainly helps to get a general sense of locations and characters.

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