The official language thread

Yes, this damn A.I.! I have the suspicion that my browser turns the spellchecking randomly on and off in the background. I tell you, this is a conspiration!


I was distracted enough by the subject matter :wink: I didn’t know ‘hinny’ had that meaning - interesting!


It might be an idea to specify what is bigger so…

This game is bigger than I thought.

But then it might be better to go with

This game is bigger than I thought it would be.

I didn’t know hinny? that’s a new one to me. I know Pet .

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Where do you call cute girls “birds” is it more a northern or a southern thing?

Well ‘Birds’ was a general thing across the country, but not used much now because women are offended by it. Also gone are ‘Crumpet’, ‘Overtime’ others.

Up north they might call a woman a lass.
In Newcastle, this is a valid sentence: Calm doon man woman!
but most of the country finds Newcastle people hard to understand
(they mainly sound a bit Scottish)

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I used to know a bit Geordie slang, but forgot most of it now since I haven´t spoken to the people I knew from there in about 10 years.

As someone who lives up North, I can confirm this! :smile:


I was able to understand @tasse-tee’s samples but I assume that she haven’t used slang… :slight_smile:

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Yeah, and I don’t have the accent of a typical Northerner :smiley:

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Then we need a recording with slang! :smiley:

Nope, I can’t do accents, sorry :grin:

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With your own of course. :slight_smile:

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So how about you, what´s your accent, then?


Yes, @Someone, I think we are due a few sound clips from you now! :wink:

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Right, don´t keep asking without ever giving!

I however will refrain from now on from commenting on any women´s accent or voice or whatever since I will only end up like



TouchĂŠ :wink:

I participate here in several things and offer my help, but I can’t record my slang because you would instantly know where I come from. I wouldn’t have asked @tasse-tee if she hasn’t already posted her voice. But you are absolutely right - I revise my question. :slight_smile:

Isn’t the saying about an elephant? :thinking:

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Only in german, in english it´s “bull in a china shop”.


Nothing wrong with making a suggestion! :smiley:
If I feel like doing it or not, you’ll know.


In Dutch too
(Although he’s in the China cupboard usually rather than the store)

We also have this (related) saying:

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