View from hotel.
Did you get any Weisswurst?
Nice! And even the weather looks fine, for British means this is probably called dust-dry.
Thanks! We’re both winning!
magic-a-boola, meet in Stragula, bee dee bee bodee dee boo…
So I assume you both weren’t there at that time.
Terrible Toybox should do an anniversary party on 30th of March there! (Big Thimbleweed Park Anniversary Celebrations!)
Did they change the name after making their sign? It looks like “Stragǔla”.
Closed Chinese Tower.
Having fun in town.
Deutsches Museum
Visit from the caponians?
Checking out Vomit Hill at the empty Oktoberfest place.
Not going to the Zoo.
@tasse-tee with Tasse Tee.
I’m back from Hamburg. The weather wasn’t very good but we had a lot of fun.
We´ve both landed save at our way too far apart homes now. But this certainly won´t be the last you´ve seen from us, if we got to visit other interesting places in the future.
I’ve wondered where you have been!
But I’ve seen that you have already caught up with the most important discussions you’ve missed.
Yes, Sorry, I should have announced that in this thread. But we had some preparations to do and during the vacation we had so much things to visit (like the world’s largest model railway) that I forgot TWP for a short time.
Oh, yeah I heard about that one! We´ll might go there ourselves one day, since there´s also many places I´d like to visit there.
Our next two or three trips are more or less planned out already, though.
Yeah…we´re organised!
Hints: Take your time(*) and order the tickets online.
(*) We needed >6 hours - and we haven’t seen every detail.
Tell us more!
Well, you are German, aren’t you?
We went through the german museum taking as much in as we cared to. I think we´ll be fine.
In due time. Depending how exciting the destinations are and what sights they have.
But we both are well organised, and as for me that is probably the only thing sterotypical german about me (and I don´t even know many people who actually are like that in real life).
Needing a quiet and peaceful vacation. On the recommendation of this forum I just booked a bus ticket to a little town called Thimbleweed Park. Heard it’s nice and quiet, and the sunsets look stunning.
I’ve heard the locals are a bit odd, but I’m sure that’s all there is to worry about.
Don’t forget to try some of the local food!