Video of the unboxing of TWP physical box

This is a video of the unboxing of the backer version of the physical box of Thimbleweed Park. Only the backer versions are signed by Ron and Gary. The box that anyone can purchase on Fangamer isn’t signed.

If you are still waiting for your physical box to arrive and you don’t know what the box contains, you SHOULD NOT watch this super-spoilery video, in my opinion. Discovering the contents by yourself should be more funny.

Click here if you want to see the spoilery video


The contents are great. But I lighty bemoan the fact that there is no 5¼ floppy disc inside

I think that choosing a 3½-inch disk and not a 5¼-inch disk is coherent with the fact that the graphics of the game shifted from being very similar to MM to being more similar to MI2.

That´s what I thought as well, and it makes sense from that standpoint. We´ll always have that mockup from the old Kickstarter page I guess.

Also, only a 3½-inch disk would work for the joke printed on its label.

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Okay that´s fair…

What games actually had the highest number of 5¼-inch and 3½-inch each anyways?

I think many C64 games didn´t have too many discs when they were also on tape and most games that were on tape also would fit on one disc, but I could be completly wrong about that…

We couldn’t find anyone to source them at volume and put data on the disks. We also spent way more money than we should have on the box (so I’m sad if people aren’t happy). Besides, more Lucasarts games were sold with 3.25 floppies.


No need to be sad, you cannot make everybody fully satisfied. For any person who isn’t 100% satisfied there is another one who got what he was hoping for and more. I remember a person on this forum who hoped for a very specific “feelie”: he/she will just get it and will be probably overjoyed.

I couldn’t resist, and watched the video.
I have seen the content just a few hours before, but watching an unboxing is more exciting :grinning:
I like the Nickel News newspaper (it reminds me The National Inquisitor of Jason the journalist), the stickers and the hand-drawn map!
The post-it specks of dust is a brilliant idea!
The floppy disk with that specific number made me laugh a lot.

I think I like everything of this box! :sweat_smile:

Curiosity Question: is there a reason/joke about the total number of disks? 269*1.44=387.36 Mb (doesn’t match the total game size)

Am I wrong or the guy completely missed the joke about disk 22, as in “insert disk 22” from Monkey Island?

Well… I just purchased my unsigned TWP box at fangamer.
Maybe I’ll purchase the aluminium sign, too, I will use it in my future cosplay events.

Can SomeBODY tell me the dimensions of this road sign? Thank you!

I don’t know the size but this photo might give you a hint:


Excellent! Thank you, LowLevel!
I estimate 20 x 40 cm.

Yes, it seems he thinks that is the number of a limited numbered serie

That wasn’t the question, though. We all know why it is disk 22 (although the guy in the video clearly did not get the reference). But why 269? Apart from it being a very high number, which is funny too. Perhaps it is the EGA version, which fits on less disks?

I wonder how few stickers will actually be used to stick onto something. This is a general thing with collector’s editions: the stickers (or whatever consumable/perishable item, like tattoos) are just kept in their box to preserve them. That is kinda sad.

Oh that first part surprises me actually I thought they were blanks

That goes without saying, of course.

Don´t mind me, mind the big majority who love it, besides did and overall great job!

This may be far off if the guy holding the sign is e.g. Willie.

come box, come to my hands, I can´t wait for you. :smiley:
Of cousre the fangamer site spoils the contend too.
But I think that´s neccessary.

I can´t wait to find out what´s the contend of the floppy :blush:

I don’t think many Lucasarts games were sold with 3.25" floppies