Was Boris killed by... (Spoilers)

But I looked at the corpse lots of times and I kept getting the same “suit looks taylored, probably European…” etc.

I was being hyperbolic. Obviously she is being naive. But I´ve been asking myself this because it´s a common point of controversy for Matrix (living happy in a simulation vs living unhappy in reality) but it´s rarly discussed in regards to the ending of the game.

It’s possible the wallet was planted, but it’s also possible that Willie woke up and found the wallet next to that log wearing a shirt. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Only taking the first murder into account, Willie makes a believable suspect. But if the same trenchcoated, red-eyed silhouette appears in several other places (alley, hotel-a-boo) then it doesn’t add up to Willie.

My 8-year old son’s theory is that The Coroner, Sherrif, and Hotel Manager-a-boo are all robots controlled by Chuck…

I always assumed that was the case.

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Well, Caven has given to me the only reason why Willie could not have been the person who hit Boris: while the dark silhouette wears similar attire, it has red eyes and that’s a detail that I forgot. So, from my point of view the hypothesis has lost any ground because Willie doesn’t have glowing red eyes.

Now, just for the sake of chatting, let’s see what happens if I ignore that detail and play devil’s advocate. While the conclusion that Willie was the person who hit Boris is wrong (and probably is also wrong the hypothesis that he killed Boris in the water) maybe it’s possible to learn new things just by playing the whodunit game. :slight_smile:

I’ll focus more on the fact that the subject who knocked Boris out and the killer (who used the ice pick on Boris after taking him in the stream of water) might be two different individuals, having different motives to do what they did.

That’s possible, but it’s also possible and even more simple that Willie took the wallet from the victim.

Even if someone put a blood-stained wallet in Willie’s pockets, it’s suspicious that Willie just kept it and spent the money without bothering about the blood.

The hypothesis of him taking the wallet is not less probable than the hypothesis of someone else putting the wallet in Willie’s pockets.

That increases the chance that Boris was killed by someone else but it doesn’t decrease the chance that Willie hit that well-dressed European guy just to take his money and buy more whiskey.

That’s what an agent says when he “Looks at” the ground, just near the sewer entrance.

Yeah, but logs don’t bleed. And wallets don’t bleed also. :stuck_out_tongue:

When questioned by an agent about the wallet, Willie jokingly eludes the questions and makes up the story of the log because he doesn’t want to admit to a federal agent that it took a wallet from an unconscious person.

When does the dark silhouette appear in the hotel?

About that silhouette: when it knocks out one of the agent, the agent is taken to the sewer, just where Willie has his “home”.

Sure it’s possible. It’s one of the obvious possibilities as a lot of things point to Willie being the killer. He’s very much painted as the killer.

Yeah, also crossed my mind, several things support this:

  • Delores in the factory commenting on why Chuck is making humanoid TronMachines.

  • Coroner, Sherrif and Hotel Manager is no longer present in town after most of the Tubes has been pushed in.

  • Sherrif takes a phone call, he addresses the caller as sir, as if its his superior (read master). Now except for a mayor, who would be his superior, except for the Tron3000.

  • Hotel getting installed new Tron machines in the rooms, despite Chuck being dead and no longer inventing/producing them.

That being said, I really would like to see some more hard evidence for it.

And why the *beep* does the bank have a sign that says, we are closed, we are out by the factory? What is the bank manager doing there, is he in on it? I actually for a long time wanted to prove that he did the mugging of Boris,
and used the object on his table to do it with.

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One thing that nobody has mentioned so far, but which I think is significant, is the nature of the glowing eyes.

When I first played and entered the bathroom at the Quickie Pal, it was dark and I recall seeing those glowing eyes. However, upon turning on the light, you then see that it is just some electronic panel for a ventilator or something like that, which happens to have those glowing red lights.

I always thought this meant something but could never be sure of what. So, it occurs to me that it suggests that the red eyes come from a machine, not a person. Perhaps that’s a clue. It seems too obviously similar to be a mere coincidence.

Now, if we consider Chuck’s journal, it clearly states that he got rid of the Coroner and Sheriff, but that he had a plan to replace them (or something like that). Given that the town changed from a “cake-loving” place to one obsessed with vacuum tubes, I always assumed this meant that at least some of the people were replaced by robots. The robot-building machines in the factory floor corroborate this notion.

Moreover, it was always my assumption that the Coroner-a-who, the Sheriff-a-reno, and the Hotel Manager-a-boo, were at some point replaced by robots (or most likely by the same robot).

Now, putting all this together, we have… well, a mess, really. We also have subtle indications that Boris was killed by a robot, which could be the Coroner-a-who (or one of his altered egos), who is in turn controlled by Chuck, who is furthermore controlled by (or subservient to) the Big A.I. (Cue dramatic organ music.)!!!

I don’t think Willy is completely innocent, he obviously stole the wallet of a dead man; but I do not think he is the murderer.

What do you guys think?



Does that mean Ricki Is a robot now too?
That would make sense.

She´s Stepford Wife Level nice!

I think that’s highly possible. She is in that “kidnapping” scene with Chuck. At the very least, she is absolutely in on it.


About those red lights in the toilet, I thought something similar as well. I perceived them as an intentional hint about a link between the color and the machines but it was a very weak hint/link for me, especially because I subsequently observed that the robot in the mansion doesn’t have red eyes but green eyes.

About the robots, sometimes I just think that all the inhabitants/characters of Thimbleweed Park are robots. Maybe their head is big and out of proportions not simply for a graphic design choice but also because it contains a vacuum tube: if you pay attention to the family portraits in the Edmund Mansion mansion, you’ll notice that the ancestors have perfectly normal proportioned heads.

Haha, lol. That would mean that agent R+R is also Tron machines. Then the abduction scene in sherrifs office would make sense too: maintenance.

Yes, it would.

The maintenance hypothesis has been cited by other players.

All the people who are not game characters don’t have big heads. I have just remembered that the photo of Reyes parents shows people with perfectly normal heads.


Did Lord Gilbert ever give us a sign that the question “was Willie the murderer” has an answer? A non metaphorical answer, I mean. An answer like : “No, because it was actually X who did it”

But this could be just a graphic expedient. It is a convention in comics that someone in the dark is represented with glowing eyes. It represents the fact that he is scary. Then, when you see him better, he looks nothing like that.

Franklin also says hotel manager is one of Chucks spies, which match hypotesis that manager is controlled by him.

Whoa, that “big head = robot” connection is quite convincing. But also Boris has a big head, what would his role have been? Why was he a robot?

The person who knocks Boris is the same one who knocks the agent behind the diner. And, there’s only one person who refers to this: the Sheriff, during the phone call. I think we all agree that he’s speaking with Chuck, even if Chuck should be dead. My explanation is, the Sheriff is “a robot”, or, a game character controlled by Chuck. And he’s the killer.

But seriously, in a game like Thimbleweed Park, who killed a person is the least of your problems.

But it is a problem. :slight_smile:

Do you think Boris should have gotten an Austin Powers-like cutaway scene that shows his family grieving over his death? I mean have they ever thought of the children?!:sob: