I’m talking about the word. sui = self, cide = killing (or does that include murder in Latin)
Zelfmoord, btw.
I’m talking about the word. sui = self, cide = killing (or does that include murder in Latin)
Zelfmoord, btw.
I think you have point in as far as homicide is something different than murder, but I´m not sure.
I phrased it somewhat badly anyway. All murders are killings, but not all killings are murders.
But while suicide means the same thing as selfmurder in actual practice, I just wonder etymologically speaking something like accidental poisoning would be suicidium.
He´s strangly dressed…for a knight.
And why does he have a smirk look on his face like he knew some kind of secret we don´t…oh yeah…right.
Please, do somebody add a “you fight like a dairy farmer” line to that pic…
Alright friends, who else read on the subtitle in that thumbnail picture of the above video “list of felines” ?
Give a like if you read felines!!!1111onethousandonehundredeleven!!1!
See, @Ema knows how the internet works!