When Games Break

I have been looking all over for the monkey.cfg to do this. Where is that stored? @LogicDeLuxe, @anyone?

I don’t know but does this help?

thanks, but unfortunately my save directory only contains <monkey-ID>.s[0-9]* files.

my ID for the game is monkey-6… so I have monkey-6.s00 until monkey-6.s44 files for 45 savegames, but no monkey-6.cfg or monkey-6.cfg.zlib or anything in that folder.
A search for monkey-6 on my hard drive didn’t find anything but those savegames either.

I don’t know if the version of scummvm has anything to do with it… I am using V2.0.0 (2017) while that post was dated way back from 2011.

The file is called monkey.cfg and resides in the savegame directory. It’s compressed with gzip.
Your ScummVM version is recent enough.

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For some weird reason, I don’t have this file. :sob:

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There seems to be something wrong with your ScummVM version, try another one (© by DJ Khaled).

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And it wasn’t me.

No? Well, I then guess it was another one.

Btw., you could also try Indy4 with your version. It uses the some opcodes to load and save the IQ file.

Told ya! A colleague of mine just lent me TellTale’s Back To The Future for the Nintendo Wii. Nice adventure game, really captures the feel of the BTTF universe, the puzzles are a bit easy, overall enjoyable.

I get to the ending of the first episode, I’m rescuing Doc, it’s literally the last puzzle before the ending scene.


He stayed there with an empty - reddish nonetheless - socket throughout the puzzle and the whole final cutscene. Creepy.


Great Scott!

Heavy, doc!

Especially the first episode of that game is quite buggy on PC too. But at least a missing eye on a character model is harmless (for you, the player). I don’t think I ever really encounter game breaking bugs except in Telltale games tbh. Like in Guardians of the Galaxy there’s a bar scene where everything just freezes but you can still walk around. It’s a specific dialog option that’s problematic and the only way around it is to be a dick to Mantis.

Back to the Future and Batman, among others, are seemingly fully playable with a controller but then you encounter a situation where you just can’t progress without pressing a random keyboard key. I suppose that’s more like various not uncommon weird graphics glitches.

Tales of Monkey Island & Walking Dead were surprisingly bug-free, although Tales of MI only had some kind of pretend controller support, but both games featured panning camera shots starting at the ground level going up where you could super obviously see that the horizon and various other things were just sort of hovering in the air. Which made me wonder if they couldn’t have just started the shot a little higher or something…

tl;dr You don’t play Telltale for technical polish. :stuck_out_tongue: That being said, Walking Dead and later are generally less glitchy than earlier Telltale titles. It’s mostly just some things popping into and out of existence, likes eyes, walls, and poles. :smiley: Actually my favorite Telltale title, The Wolf Among Us, also had at least one game breaking bug in ep 3 or 4. Something with a dialog option, not unlike Guardians.

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Oh, that Kenny thing is just a bug! :stuck_out_tongue:

So I broke the first episode of Sam & Max Season 1: Remastered :grinning:

Not wanting to snitch anyone but the driver could likely still be identified...


I broke the game again! This time by skipping dialogue.


This thread needs its own show on Non Stop Fox!