Why does nobody like(d) MI4?

Telling Elaine’s story is a good idea, one I’ve thought about a lot, but none of it solves the point-and-click stigma. Most everyone on this forum is a point-and-click fan (me included) and it’s hard to see how much a lot of players these days hate point-and-click. They roll their eyes and aren’t willing to give it a chance (I’ve seen this so many times with TWP). I think a lot of the crap point-and-click gets is well deserved (99% of point-and-click games released these days haven’t learned any lessons). Adventure games aren’t dead, but point-and-click is. Can I do a new MI that is an adventure game (Firewatch, Gome Home, Edith Finch, Night in the Woods), but isn’t a point-and-click game? Yes, but I don’t think it will please the hardcore fans. Maybe I shouldn’t care, but that’s the genesis of my “and you won’t like it” line.

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