All about books!

Yeah that was the first one I read. It’s really dense, I think I understood maybe 80% but I still enjoyed it. Maybe it’s easier for you guys, but when he switches between 4 different languages its a challenge for me.

Speaking about Eco, did anybody of you heard about Luther Blissett and Wu Ming?
@milanfahrnholz, @yrface, @all

Hey man, you really read it at least!

Yeah that probably sums up what Eco himself would have done… (judging from an interview in which he stated that he ridiculed conspiracies, while Dan Brown elected them as main subject, things like that…) Anyway I wouldn’t be so harsch towards Dan Brown, literature can be also a pleasurable divertissement, the important thing is the author doesn’t take himself too seriously in that case.

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Focault´s Pendulum is a really funny satire where conspiracy theories lead into parnoia. A topic that is still hot these days maybe more than ever. I noticed many people didn´t get that. I loved the fact that people dubbed Focault´s Pendulum “the thinking man´s da vinci code” in recent years, because it´s really fitting.

I also loved Name Of The Rose and Baudolino AKA Medieval Forrest Gump.

Don´t think so.


Hmhmmmm I’m afraid I have to admit I’m not the same as some years ago.
I have read some Italo Svevo and some James Joyce after High school, but I don’t think I’d still be able now.
Same for Javier Marias (Book of The Year 2002 with Tomorrow in The Battle Think on Me). I have read three books by him. The first easiliìy, the second hardly, the third with big effort. I didn’t have the courage to face a fourth. It’s a shame, since Tomorrow is unbelievable.

There was a legend about Eco in the eighties in Italy.
Some said that it was a nom de plume for a secret society made of historians, philosophers, writers, semioticians, and one actor (the guy with the beard).

Well, Luther Blissett and Wu Ming are basically the same thing, but for true.

Check them out. Their style is declaredly inspired by Eco.

:laughing: That’s a good one for Baudolino. I also like The Island of the Day Before. I started Prague Cemetery but never finished that for some reason… must have run out of brain cells.

I enjoyed reading Baudolino from the very first page since it starts with a mention of my home town where a crusade was started. Also I find the history of King Frederick greatly engrossing.

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Ah, regarding Regensburg… do you know if those are efficient?
They have been developed by the local University. (sorry for the off topic)

I have no idea.

So who’s Joe R Lansdale?

So is the game to guess your best books from those years?

I love that book, and avatar :slight_smile:

I’ve not read that but one of my favourite quotes comes from it:
‘It was as dark as a truckload of assholes.’

I don’t actually think I’ve read that one… I’m too scared to Google it in case it tells me the twist! Is it a short story?

The guy who wrote Bubba Ho Tep?

I´d actually love to have a copy with that cover. Too bad it´s only on a british hardcover from 1991 (while the american original has just a photo of a guy who weirdly looks like Guy Pearce).

It´s from The Illustrated Man collection, so I think you should know it.

I’ve never heard of that, but just read a synopsis and it sounds amazing!

I’m pretty sure my paperback has that cover… I just went to look but think it’s at my mum’s, tut. But still too bad for you I guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here are my versions of some we’ve been discussing – could be interesting to compare. The one I’ve had to strategically overlap is Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk. It was great reading that on the train…

I’ve also just remembered that Choke is the one I got signed at the reading. It’s an ex-library book. He obviously didn’t know that and asked why it was covered in plastic :expressionless:

Oh, I have read it then. I’ve Googled it now – it seems vaguely familiar. I remember others more from that set of stories (and they’ve appeared in other of his books too I guess). Oh I’ve just remembered Kaleidoscope :cry:

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Hey, there was one :stuck_out_tongue: Funniest books you've ever read

But it was centered on suggestions on humorous books, because I like to laugh, and it’s very difficult to find humorous novels, and also because I like to write, but I like to write comedic stuff, and reading funny books gives me inspiration.

Books I have read and have absolutly zero recollections of.

Jonathan Franzen - The Corrections
Henry Miller - Tropic Of Cancer
Gael Garcia Marquez - 100 Years of Solitude

:open_book: :man_shrugging:

Or of the author, it seems :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And you also know who I was thinking of? :wink:

You mean with ‘Gael’? No, I don’t…


:laughing: What a coincidence…
I did the opposite when I was talking to my wife about the actor Gael García Bernal, I accidentally called hom Gabriel Garcia Marquez :man_facepalming: