Are we writing a song?
To be sad they burned the old Pillow Factory down? (sounds like a country song)
Pillow Factory Blues™
That would be possible, but unfortunately I hadn’t enough creativity when I started that thing. But …
… that sounds like a great idea for a new thread: Let’s compose a TWP song together.
I kiled a man down at trestle trail just to watch him die.
I left him there a-pixelatin’ under the sunset skyyyyy
Can you all record your lines? (*) I’ll put them together to a real song.
(*) But please don’t forget to roll the Rs…!
Sure, but we need somebody to compose the melody first!
Not making any promises there!
Hm… I’m not a composer or musician, but I would guess that it’s easier to compose the melody to the text? Is there a musician in the house? Otherwise we could take a famous melody - or what about a track from the official TWP Soundtrack?
I’m confident that your rollings Rs are one of the best in the world!
Sounds like we’re just doing a Johnny Cash parrrrrrody.
Hasn´t somebody done that already?
Can any of you guys do that Louis Armstrong voice? Cause I can.
I think it’d be more amusing not to have a set melody. You’d end up with something like Bohemian Rhapsody (or worse) (better?)
I´m not doing that right now, but I just waited to say how happy I am that you recognize all my Wayne´s World references lately!
This is gonna be great
Ok, it’s your turn to write the third line!
So what is the plan? We all just say our lines and then @Someone cuts them together and puts a melody under it like in the Picard song?
Went down to Willie’s dirrrrty dumpster *harmonica parp*
harp parp
Now I’m laughing at my computer screen like an idiot
That is the TwP FF´s unofficial motto!
@calypso: Can you move the discussion about the song into a new thread? I think it’s worth to discuss it in a separate thread, so my crappy game won’t interrupt that. In addition a TWP song should be discussed in the General category.
(Feel free to make me the owner of the new thread.)
I don’t think I have the means to produce either of those!
Not with a musical instrument, anyway.