Favourite theme songs from our childhood TV shows

Sorry, doesn’t ring a bell.

Hmm no. :joy:
Here it is:

That´s a famous troll, by the way. :wink:

Know that tune. Didn´t recognise it.

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And, even better, listen to the theme song of Anna dai capelli rossi (Akage no An) in Italian:

Doesn’t it resemble too much to “Rivers of Babylon”? Pitch changed, speeded up…

Still it all makes sense now why you’ve studied French at uni. It’s all Tots TV’s fault!

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It was acquired by the Belgian Studio 100 who has been producing and selling kids TV shows for the last 20 years. Mainly own productions, but also old franchises like Maya and Vicky the Viking.

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Vaguely… There were a few Japanese animated cartoons (like Heidi), but I mix them all up

Though we had different music

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Musically speaking, these were my favourite tunes (in random memory access order)
Obviously I’ve seen most of them in dutch versions, but cba to hunt down all the versions. I’ll try and stick with the original language recordings mostly

(That one has so many variations in Dutch, but that’s is the one I remember the best… I think?)

Not so much for the music (at 5:00), but this was a hugely popular show in Flanders. It’s about a detective agency. The bad guys are a criminal organisation, led by a mysterious masked master brain called Sardonis. Oh, and the bad giys drove around in a van with their name (sardonis) in HUGE letters on the side, as you can see around 3:15 :rofl:

And then onto some Dutch kids TV shows I apparently watched in the period Zak McKracken was released… can’t say that any of those tunes were memorable, but it makes Zak’s intro music rock and its graphics so cool and not outdated

Oh boy… disclaimer: these are both shows from Holland Dutch TV (which was what we used to watch as well in Flanders before the uprising of Belgian Kids Tv channels starting in '89-'90. Before that kids only got like a block of 60 minutes a day on the state television )

At 1:50 “uncle Bill” asks whether the children would like to eat a Shit Sandwich (I kid you not)

About the Turtles one. I really think the german one is way better. Not saying that because nostalgia, I often heard the original versions years later and liked them better. But in this case the german version is just way cooler in my opinion.

Listen to this:

And there was even one specifially for the outro. A rap. In german. In 1990! That was unheard of at the time.


I strongly believe it is the saddest cartoon ever made.

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Pippi Langstrumpf (but the German version):

Und Die Sendung mit der Maus (it was mentioned before but nobody posted the song!):

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Gotta be:

“James Bond Jr. chasing S.C.U.M… around the world!”

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Weird that it was “Hero turtles” in mainland Europe as well, o though just England and Ireland had that because of all the “ninja” panic going on at the time.

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Duck Tales: it was the same in Italy, with both versions in English and Italian ion the same tune. I remember they started in English and the year later they did an Italian version:

Ninja Turtles: initially there was the original intro in English, but every child back then surely remembers this one (I believe because it says “per la pizza vanno pazze” = they are crazy for pizza :slight_smile:

The Smurfs: we had dozens of songs, created by Cristina d’Avena. The second one you posted, which even in Italy is the most loved one, was created by her. Here’s the original:

Nils Holgersson: the cartoon was very nice, but our intro was so sad that could inspire suicide… glad that yours is far better than ours:


I feel very nostalgic about this song. My gran who lives down south had lots of videotapes for me to watch, and my favourite one by far had episodes of The Get Along Gang on it.


Oh my! Those are very similar to “Don Chuck castoro” characters! (Don Chuck Monogatari)
A joyful cartoon! Truly loved it!
Here’s our intro:

Well, a tear is coming out now…