Is the new Twin Peaks series good enough?

What I kinda like about it is the boldness of it, because it was so close to be a nice happy even though quite a bit deux ex machina ending and it was as if Lynch halfway through it went “ah screw this” and basically shocked everyone who hoped this show was there to redeem the bad ending of the original series, and I don´t think this might have ever been his intention, because he´s David Lynch.

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Only read this fan theory if you have watched the finale and are still baffled.

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About to watch the finale, finally. Right, here we go…

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Part 1 of my review:


Part 2, with words, tomorrow.

Oh no. :neutral_face:

That´s good let it rest for a while, I also was angry at first, but that got better after a while…a little…

Oh no. :neutral_face:

Hey what´s up? You sound like me during the last five minutes of the final episode…

I foresee a bad review but I don’t want to know anything.

I have still to re-watch the first two series.

I wouldn´t be so sure about that, but I think you have to see the whole picture. But I think it´s a natural reaction if you think the ending of this season would redeem the end of the season 2. It´s just very very different, than what anyone would have expected, but in hindsight we should have.

offtopic: I have a hunch David just spilled the beans about the MI2 ending to me on twitter…

That was kind of a neutral face so don’t read into it too much. I’ll make sure I blur any spoilers :slightly_smiling_face:

Haa :laughing: I started writing it then stupid life got in the way. I’ll finish it tomorrow, Sir.

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I didn´t meant to put any pressure on you, but posting that clip was just too tempting. :grinning:
But thanks for being the first and most likely last person to call me “Sir”.

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Okay, so… I’m writing this without reading the other comments or any reviews just yet, as I want it to be unbiased. I’m easily influenced :wink:


While I enjoyed the new series as a whole, I found the last two episodes disappointing. I’m fine with there being unresolved elements of (what can loosely be called) the story (I don’t feel like TP is about neatly tying things up) - it’s more that the pace dropped and it felt like a bit of a slog to get through. I felt it lost its momentum somewhat. In fact it reminded me of my disappointment with The X-Files - like they tacked two episodes on the end just to fulfil the schedule. Though that seems more likely in the former’s case than the latter.

I know Lynch is more about mood than plot, but what was with all the focus on travelling? Long drawn-out shots of Diane and Coop in the car, camera tracking the road (though that did remind me of Lost Highway which was nice). But perhaps he’s making a point about something there << see this is me defending him now.

I also found it odd that minor characters like the green-handed guy and Lucy cleaned it up, but the more I start to process this the more I think these are actually more secondary threads to the series. It’s not about killing the bad guys - so that’s delegated to the less complex characters. Coop is the important bit.

Consequently I liked that they addressed bits about Laura Palmer and going back in time to those events was pretty thrilling. I haven’t seen Fire walk with me so it was all ‘new’ to me, but I wonder what people who did see that think.

I think my view has been a bit tarnished by the ending. Not to say that there weren’t moments in these episodes that I liked (‘I understand cellular phones now, Andy!’) The connection between Diane and Coop was touching and powerful.

I don’t want to think that it should’ve resolved itself in a more story-led way, but I also don’t want to forgive the slightly drab ambiguity on the basis that it’s Lynch and that’s his ‘thing’.

These are just my initial, knee-jerk thoughts, and it’s likely I’ll appreciate and understand it more after a second watch. Is it obvious how much I want to like it even though I’m struggling?!

Curious to hear your thoughts now. I’ll go back and read the previous comments too.

I must say that I largly agree with many of your points.

Yes, if it´s true what they said, they shot the entire thing back to back and only after they knew how much material they actually had they cut it down into episodes, so there should be no intentional filler. Having said that I still love the atomb bomb episode, that sequence was one of my favourites of the whole thing!

Yes the way which it was shot was pretty much the same, and remember it was also one of those scenes at the end where another transformation of that film´s lead character was hinted at.

If you read the fan theory I posted above you´ll see that it pretty much agrees with you.

Oh my god, not seeing that before this was a mistake! That giant talking teapot is basically David Bowie´s character from that film, which was a total mystery for 25 years and finally got some purpouse within the story, so it kinda even felt like a loving tribute, too.

Now that´s a part I found a little bit awkward, but I get what this was about.

That´s a total fair point, but as I´ve said had they gone through with that happy ending where they changed timelines, Laura was never killed, evil was defeated and mother and daughter would have been reunited I´m not sure if that would have been that satisfying either. I mean not that Twin Peaks isn´t famous for a fair share of kitchy stuff, but really more for subverting it than openly dwelling in it.

EMERGENCY OFF TOPIC EDIT: Holy shit! Are you and the people you know okay??!!!

Oh right, that’s interesting – didn’t realise they’d filmed it like that.

Oops. I think I always thought of FWWM as a mostly disconnected spin-off. Bit of an oversight.

I wasn’t thinking specifically of the strained sex part, more their interactions before and after. (Laura Dern has a very prominent spine.)

On the ending, I agree that I’d never have wanted them to go down the happy everything’s-okay-now route. This is definitely preferable.

Stop editing your post while I’m trying to reply to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The tube bomb? We’re fine, thanks. Par for the course these days, unfortunately.

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I´m done, but that last one was a bit urgent, good to know you´re fine!