I thought you hoped on getting your hand on the physical box with all the feelies inside for less than
but apparently you
because you don’t like the game anyway? If it is because of the mouse controls,
you can play it on PC with a controller of your preference (even switch joycons after some tinkering)
Or is the feeling of guilt that you aren’t supporting the devs when playing through a basically pirated link that makes you not able to enjoy playing?
Talking about supporting the devs, they aren’t making more or less money from the physical releases since most of the markup is going to production and distribution costs there.
Even when Epic games gave away the game for free it didn’t hurt the devs, according to Ron’s statement
So what would you actually want (for which console?) and what price?
A physical copy in a slim case with the original game + Ransome DLC(?) + bonus Delores?
Aren’t the Limited Run versions all sold out, by the way?
[ok I found one on amazon… but that is basically the same as ebay here]