Just released adventure games

This feels like a true 1993 Lucas game, more than TWP does. Wonderful. I’m enjoying it immensely.


I am under the impression that it is TWP that started this wave of excellent adventure games. Before it, I struggled to find quality games.


Wow, this is really a Fate of Atlantis clone. Amazing. Best game since 1993. I’m speechless

You would know better than me, since I sort of left the genre for many years. I imagine Darkside Detective coming out that same year also encouraged more professional development. I wonder how well the DoubleFine remasters from 2015-2017 did and whether they also furthered the cause.


You did? I’ve started Unusual Findings a couple of weeks ago, but I found it boring.
Well, since I trust you, I’ll give it a second chance.


I agree the first impression is not great. At first it seemed “cheap” to me too. It improves a lot as you play. Very good puzzles, nonlinear structure, good characters, and good atmosphere in the exteriors.


Children of Silentown. It’s on my wishlist, but looking at the unplayed games in my library, there’s no real incentive to buy it just now. But if someone does, be sure to report how you liked it.

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Colossal Cave impressions anyone? :slight_smile:
I would have bought it if the puzzles made sense, but I saw a couple on youtube which didn’t seem to make sense. And the graphics doesn’t give me an incentive either…

A new episode of Octavi Navarro’s Midnight Scenes is out! (From the Woods).


I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks great


It’s also available DRM free on Gog:


Stellar Mess Chapter 1 was released today!

Played the demo some time ago and really liked it, so I’m excited.


This game is currently -40% off on Steam, so I just bought it.

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You won’t regret it ! :slight_smile:

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Thanks, purchased.

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My first death. I was expecting something a little less fatal. (Incidentally, the load/quit buttons don’t respond.)

The amount of voiced reactions is quite astonishing if they keep that up for the whole game.

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Keep in mind that the game gets better and better as you progress. It starts off a bit slow.


Hm? I wasn’t complaining, amused more than anything. Depends on where they take this death concept though. In this case I was expecting to be kicked out, just not to die due to it looking so LucasArts.

Never mind, it was just an unrelated suggestion, addressed to Paul as well.

Pretend you are playing an Indiana Jones game. In the end, it’s more inspired by that.

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Maybe it was a coincidence, but I don’t recall dying 15 seconds into Indiana Jones. :stuck_out_tongue:

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