Let's play... Nintendo games!

And how can I get the second coin in w2-4?

And how do I get past those blasting pipes underwater in w3-3?

Or in Japanese: supah bombahmannu :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can see some video of it here and here (for the remake versions)

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It’s bizarre, seeing the C64 version on the Nintendo made me think that the C64 was really an ultra powerful personal computer!

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Yeah I mean just compare the two versions of Maniac Mansion.

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Defeat the boss of World 2 as Mini Mario.

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How can you? You’re a flea… bite him?

Ground pound! On his head.

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aha! ass first…

Oh, thanks! Will look at this later (at work now…)

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All this talk made me hook up my SNES Mini again and play Super Castlevania IV, what a fantastic game! :heart_eyes:

You’re the best! thanks!

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Everybody progressing with their own stuff tonight? I played and finished Super Castlevania IV. That was fun, too. :slight_smile:

I got that secret coin in Mario and then tried 20times to beat the boss as flea Mario with his ass attack…but I got my ass kicked 20 times instead and no rewind, so I just quit.

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You know the expression “Nintendo Hard”?

Yep. Reinstalling Windows 10. I’ve survived it, but I can’t recommend it. It’s full of bugs, slow and the graphics are crappy. And the “talk to” verb is completely missing in the first part…


it’s more like “Ninten-doh that tiny Mario is hard to see on my DS and now I just hit the boss on the side and get killed”

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Now imagine him on a tiny green screen drawn in jaggly black lines!


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According to NES fanboys, that version is the best because it has music!
But I also think the graphics look a bit odd.

They look odd (Dave is a redhead, Weird Ed wears a pink beret etc) and many of the scrolling rooms aren´t scrolling you see everything at once taking away many surprise moments.

Yeah many love Dave´s theme especially. I don´t really find it as catchy as many and frankly it´s distracting as hell. Not as “almost non noticable” as the backround music in FM Towns Zak(which restrains itself just enough).

I compare it to the Phillip Glass scored version of Dracula. It really was meant to be without music.