Let's play...Sega games!

Is losing all rings just before the finish ok too?

Haha… it’s all those fags.

No :stuck_out_tongue: but that’s something I hadn’t thought of which makes it a lot easier… The idea in my head (and the YouTube video that inspired it) is to avoid all rings. I guess we’d have to film the whole thing to prove that one.

How in CRAP’s name did I ever do this in 21 seconds… Though the buttons on our Xbox controller are a bit unresponsive. I need to hook my MD up. Just need a female-male thingamejoogabob.

That sounds a bit like the “Mario 3 don´t touch anything” challenge. Except those things you need to touch in order to finish the levels.

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Here’s my first attempt.

I’m also playing Sonic 2 by mistake :+1:

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*approximately 15 goes later*

Yeah I’m changing this to ‘smallest number of rings collected’ :grinning:

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That’s what I thought: you cannot get through that tunnel without collecting any rings

Is that what kids call sex these days? :grin:

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Hold on hold on… there is no green hill zone on Sonic2.
Do you mean the first stage the ? Emerald something something…?

This the way I always play Sonic. :grin:

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Unless you’re this guy. Incredible. Both acts, too.

I hope not :grin:

Yes, sorry, Emerald Hill. I’ll update.

Have you heard of Sonic: Omochao Edition? :grinning:
(It was hard to find a good video with no commentary. You can skip to 1:42 after the first ring is collected.)

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I bet his life looks an awful lot like that Tom Cruise movie “Edge of Tomorrow”


As in “Oh my chao, this is beeping irritating the beep out of me!” ?

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At least your recording setup is better than mine (clining the phone between my chin and chest to free up both hands again)

Her chimney is also way more rad than mine.

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That’s because hers is British. They all look like this:


But that is much more impressive.


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Which is also why my living room looks like this:


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Can I book a table? I’d like the one next to the animal in the oven and the puking child.

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