Poll: Would Zak McKracken be better if it had "look" and "talk"?

It’s true this isn’t really obvious. The game tries to be somewhat realistic though (like a flying van :slight_smile:).
An actual flight to/from Mars takes a long time, and if the game tells you it takes 2 months it means it. You have just arrived there after such time, if you think taking off again right away is the solution, well…

That’s IMHO much more annoying because it can be used on EVERY thing and for some reason the whole bucket is wasted every time. It’s more likely people do it once, nothing happens and go on. Maybe not even realising the item was lost. Later they won’t remember they had this item until they start a new game, finding it again.


(just a video I made to show you what would happen if Zak would have “Talk to” and “Look at”)


But you wouldn’t know that as a first time player. And in other ways it isn’t so realistic - like the quick flights back and forth to other places.

I thought I needed to go and pick up Zak and Annie, which isn’t that implausible.

That’s true. It would’ve been kinder to have, say, three ‘uses’ for a bit of leeway.

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See! The game is already much more fun with those two verbs! :smile:

@PiecesOfKate: so how can we bribe you, if not with peanuts? :thinking:

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Who’s a what now? :slightly_smiling_face: is that a game hint?

No, it’s not a game hint. Watch Sushi’s video! (The Ultimate Reply) :wink:

One thing first timers won’t know is that they actually will take off. But you will be warned (since it’s unlikely you have both characters in there already), so you have a chance to save.

The first time(s) you are actually experiencing the flight. I don’t see a problem skipping them later on (or not taking them actual hours of real time), but a flight to Mars is orders of magnitudes higher.

In Zak you can keep playing with the others and it’s not an obvious dead end like a character’s death. But this “realism” is something I particularly like about that game.

Watch those spoilers! perhaps blur out a bit
Not sure if @PiecesOfKate has done that part yet… or future readers (Ha!)

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Oh. I shall bookmark it for later.

Seconded. I’d already seen that one but never mind!

sorry I blurred the spoilers :stuck_out_tongue:

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Agree. But while on Sierra you must save every 2 minutes (I’d say 30 seconds), because you can’t know where the unfortunate events will lead you, in Zak it’s less frequent. I save only when I am visiting a new place, or after an important event, just in case.
I mean:

  • you run out of money? OK, it’s your fault :slight_smile: You can restart the game and optimize your travels, or sell something to earn money, or win Lotto (by chance or by knowing the numbers).
  • you leave Mars with the bus? OK, it’s your fault :slight_smile: Why you have to leave Mars if Melissa and Leslie are saying that the dream told them to STAY there and wait for instructions?
  • you take the train with only one token and discover only later that the monolith on the left side is broken? OK, that’s a dead end. :smiley:
  • you fell off the plane without a parachute? OK, it’s your fault :slight_smile:
  • you go out of oxygen and die? OK, it’s your fault :slight_smile: You were warned many times that the oxygen was running out.

I remember starting the van when I played the game for the first time. I immediately realized that they were still required on Mars, so I restored a savegame and went on. Even if you don’t realize this, the urge to explore the Mars should prevent you from doing this early on.
This is really nothing in comparison to all those mean dead ends in Sierra games at the time.

I explored first. And I thought I could get back again afterwards (as I said I thought I had to pick up the other characters).

I’m not complaining, but not everybody’s thought processes are the same.


Brilliant!! How did you make it??


We love Zak. With all its (non-existent) imperfections. :wink:

Back then, I was one of those players. I didn’t know there were dead ends.
It ended up that Zak has became my favourite game of all times.

We certainly didn´t go online and ask:

“I don´t know about this one, has it unfair puzzles you guys?!”


Yes, I remember at the time I had to ask passers-by, waving games magazines at them.


Is that why there´s so many pigeons in venice?


Who’d have imagined!