Did the setting in San Francisco in any way play into it? I imagine there always having been plenty of Sushi Restraurants there.
But yes it´s obviously akin to having a pet pig and calling it “pork chop” or something.
Did the setting in San Francisco in any way play into it? I imagine there always having been plenty of Sushi Restraurants there.
But yes it´s obviously akin to having a pet pig and calling it “pork chop” or something.
Since we all lived just outside of San Francisco, we were already immersed in sushi restaurants. In fact, we used to all go to Yu Shang across from our offices, a weird split personality Chinese-Japanese restaurant. So, no, it wasn’t that Zak lived in SF, it that we all lived in the SF Bay Area and ate sushi (not the goldfish variety).
I was about say, you probably had a lot of sushi yourself at the time. Cool thanks, that makes a lot of sense!
Yu Shang is still there after all these years: http://www.yushangrestaurant.com
Looks nice!
“See the restaurant that inspired Sushi in Zak McKracken”
Now, they´ll be overrun!
And they’ll have no idea what Zak is…
Did you also try restaurants in SF downtown? I’m always open to recommendations from people who tried them.
Tuna, Sushi…these guys sure like their fish. There even is tuna sushi, but my favourite by far is salmon.
Lots of great SF restaurants but I don’t remember trying any sushi restaurants downtown. Maybe in the SF Japantown area.
Isn’t it a little bit scary for you, that after 29 years still some Zak fans are asking such silly questions?
I cannot begin to say how nice I think it is that he´s answering them!
The biggest revelation for me was when he said they were concerned to be sued by the tabloid papers for copying their stories. How can you hold an IP on news stories unless…you know…they´re completly made up! That was very telling.
No, they’re not silly. They’re super important questions… and no one has ever asked me before whether Sushi was male or female, so not something anyone could have looked up.
[italian mode ON]
Ma come diavolo hai fatto?!?
[italian mode OFF]
I confirm Sushi is female. Zak does refer to his pet as “she” or “her” in one of his lines AFAIR. Plus I always interpreted it as a play of words with Suzy.
Myself, I am -to my wife’s content- very much male though. I am just a huge Zak fan who took it as an avatar that would be recognisable to the right people and a mystery to the rest of the world (hell, my mail address even includes the “in a fishbowl” part!).
I guess most people here on this forum are male. Except perhaps @PiecesOfKate (which is another nice play of words with the annoying in-jokes enabled)
I think I’ve never stumbled onto that line, in fact I assumed Sushi was a male
(maybe because “fish” in italian is a male gender noun).
Let’s play Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders again, to discover that line!
He, he, yes.
It’s very interesting, that the LucasArts games are still “alive” and that you can play them again and again and again and you still discover …
… new things. @David, you and all other at LucasFilm/Arts did a great job. You can be proud of yourself.
That’s precisely one of the reasons why Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders™ is still my favourite game of all times!
Even in the early years, I replayed it many times, and discovered something uncovered before. Like the surprise under the rug in Zak’s room
It is in german, too.
I have to recheck if something happens when try to do something to sushi maybe he says something like “I can´t do that to her” or something like that.
Yes, let´s not forget about Matthew Kane´s awesome theme song people just love it!
Next to Monkey Island the most memorable tune of the bunch and had it become a franchise it would have been great to revisit it again and again. Would even work as an opening tune to a mystery tv show or something.