Remarkable books in the library

That’s not good. All books explaining the story (or needed to understand the story) should be translated. I know a lot of people not speaking english. You lock them out if you not translate these books.

You know, I TOTALLY forgot I had submitted that book :joy: I’m happy you liked it.


Ah ah ah ! :smiley: I’m happy I’ve found it, I enjoyed reading it!

My Delores Library Books:

2.6 My Alien Girlfriend.

My Alien Girlfriend is for my wife. She’s from Jamaica, and I’m from USA. In the book, the name “Sam” is what we plan on naming our first child.

BRAINS! is for my childhood. After watching the movie “The Return of the Living Dead (1985),” my friend and I invented a childhood game called “BRAINS!” It was a modified version of the childhood game “Hide n Seek.” In the book, the names are some of my childhood neighbor friends.
The Return of the Living Dead - Trailer

Thank You for reading this post.

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OK - well done, to someone. And it wouldn’t be half as good without the broken english. Superb.

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I kind of lucked out in that my book (Gym Quest: A Walkthrough) ended up at the top of the stairs, maybe where most people’s mouse pointer rests after climbing them. My friend’s husband happened to play the game, randomly click on it and was like, wtf?! :laughing:

I’ve just stumbled on this one, which I quite like:


We have to fight those SCUMMbags and save him! :fearful:

Trapped In This Game

Author: Nick Alexandres
Bookshelf: 2.3


Bunch of used ballons? Ha, that might even put the ballon animal puzzle into in game context!

life is like a game - Ad Venturer


I think I’ve found a book written by the developers. :slight_smile:

I have successfully “deactivated” the radioactive man-eating plant giving it the only fizzy liquid that I had. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plants: Organic & Nuclear

Author: Art O’Gardnin
Bookshelf: 3.5


If you give the Poopsi coke to the plant after it ate Leonard, it just burps, but poor Leonard is gone for good. Did you experience any other effect?

Not if you give the coke to the plant after Leonard has already been eaten. But if you give the coke to the giant plant before it eats Leonard, the plant will be “deactivate” and it will not eat him.

Nice! That was a big helper for the puddle puzzle too, in some ways.
I wonder if there’s any book hinting at the “open” mysteries of TWP:

[spoiler]* The 2nd abduction scene

  • The “virus” being implanted in humanoid droids in the factory
  • The Japanese investors / the broken phone ringing[/spoiler]

I saw a livestream early on where Ron was asked if the broken neon signs that spell out “Art by El Tron” are some sort of in joke, and he said yes but refused to elaborate on it.

At first I thought El Tron is some sort of nickname for Octavi, but there might be more to that (like maybe that´s a very early hint on the direction the game will eventually take).

Everytime I see post about books in this game, I am heavily shaking!

They had to copy / paste / write tons of text and place them all in code…man…where is my pistoltron 3000. :fearful:

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Didn’t they just use like an automated database or something

Yes. Still Jenn had to read them all and check they fit on those two pages…

Well yes, it’s a crapload of work still, admittedly -.-

Maybe Ransome used this encyclopedia to improve his lexicon?

Encyclopedia of *Beep*

Author: Xavier Bifteki
Bookshelf: 1.4