Seguso's Adventure Game Thread

Yes, I think you’re right!

Ok, fickle it is… unless new suggestion arrives :slight_smile:

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Same applies to warnut vs warmoron, but hey, it’s your game! You decide!!

Girls: Walnut?
Villager:No! WaRnut!
Add other character with a speech impediment that is unable to pronounce the R for comic effect.

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:smile: that too makes sense … but I find it too short… two syllables sound better in this case… not sure about it.

It sounds more like an ugly woman than a promiscuous woman to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

what about hooker? I need a not too harsh but somewhat funny term…

or nympho?

Streetwalker! this one’s nice…

I wasn’t objecting to trollop. Just imagining I didn’t know what it meant. :wink:

I think trollop is quite on point, but like I said I also like floozy and Jezebel. Harlot is another one along those lines.

Bleurgh, the other day someone came out with NymphCast and apparently half the (male?) Internet had trouble reading anything but nympho. Bunch of wankers. :angry:

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in progress…
Edit: ok, good enough :slight_smile: I don’t even bother to detail the leaves :slight_smile:


I don’t remember that scene otoh, what was the context?

Speaking of Friends and words mentioned, wasn’t Monica Tom Selleck’s “floozy in the city” or something?

in progress… a location from part 2 this time.

Edit: Ok, done:


None. More paraphrasing similar situations:
And mr Heckles kinda rhymes with “fickle”.

“OK, this looks like the old mansion.” (cit.)


more or less done (wizard’s hands need work):


That reminds me a lot of the bedroom in The Council… even though it’s quite different. :crazy_face:

never heard of it… :slight_smile:

I think there’s too much detail in some areas and too little in others… but I have to think of the character next…

I was somewhat terse about it, but it’s one of the more memorable games I’ve played the past half year or so. A bit of a diamond in the rough.

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the swamp! this one came up better than expected :slight_smile:


Any coffins to row?

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probably my own… as I’ve counted the locations and they are 104. plus cutscenes…(afraid to count them)


@seguso Btw, what did you use to create those diagrams?