Seguso's Adventure Game Thread

Last minute change: “that wretch”.

MOM: “No! You never know when he’ll be back from the bar, that wretch! Sorry, you’ll have to do it.”

How does it sound?
Possible improvements? Wretched man, wretched fool, wretched fool of a husband, wretched tramp, wretched bum?
@tasse-tee @Sushi @Frenzie

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Sounds fine to me, doesn’t Othello also say something like that?

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No idea :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t want to sound too old fashioned though :slight_smile:

“Wretch” is also used as a mild insult, not only as commiseration, am I right? otherwise I’ll have to change it.

You are spot on correct about usage. It’s perfect in my opinion.


Thank you! You are in the game credits as playtester BTW. :wink:

That’s extremely generous since although I played a lot I am dumb and got stuck and stopped playing.


I thought that was smart - but Olivia disagrees


I need to handle that! :grin:

That’s quite funny.

@seguso Just from looking at the screenshot, shouldn’t the other two options rather have “of” at the end? Such as to form a complete sentence like the first one?

Thanks buddy :slight_smile:

If you choose the 2nd or third option, you’ll see the dropdown text change to “of dracula”, “of frankenstein”, and so on.

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If I’m not mistaking … if you choose “deduce that Dracula is actually Dracula”, Olivia answers “thanks to the dick”.

Hello guys :slight_smile: I’m looking for a quick impression. I’m redesigning the style with lower detail and background animation. What do you think? (Imagine all the people in the square would be walking, and the people at the tables would be animated too. The clouds could be moving as well.)

I think this could make the world feel more alive and immersive. What do you think?


It would be awesome!


Agreed! :smiley:

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You don’t count, you like everything :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :upside_down_face:

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My one problem is that even though you did it by hand, it kind of looks like a Photoshop filter. :slight_smile:

hmmm… but what can I do about it? it’s already painted from scratch.

The only thing that’s left of the original picture is the color palette. But I can’t change that: I chose that picture as a reference exactly because I liked the colors… if I change them, there’s nothing’s left.

Edit: I might have done the same in pixel art. I thought this style looked better… low detail (like pixel art) but no jagged lines (unlike pixel art). You would have preferred pixel art? I’m open to suggestions.

The edges are looking a little bit too sharp for a water color painting.

The edges?
Let’s see… how about this? I applied a bit of gaussian blur:

edit: I like it much better, in fact!

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