Set up problem with Delores Dev Engine

Hi, I’m trying to follow to readme instructions to set everything up, when I try to run I get this error:

I assumed this was just the error mentioned in the instructions but then when I try to find the path to the prefs.json there is nothing there (well Thimbleweed Park is in the terrible toybox directory but not Delores Dev).

So I think maybe the error I encountered isn’t the error I should have encountered, it just won’t let me run the app at all. Has anyone else had this problem? I tried it on Windows too but the same thing happened.

Can’t say anything for Windows, but on macOS you’ll have to right-click (CTRL+Click) on the App in Finder. Then select Open in the drop down menu. Then you’ll get a similar dialog, with the big difference that it also shows an Open button. Click that and it will launch. Just tested and that works with Catalina.

That’s basically the default behavior for any program that’s not signed/notarized by Apple.

thanks so much. That’s got it working but now it quits unexpectedly after about 10 seconds and comes up with an error report, I think this is beyond my scope to fix, maybe I should just stick to reading the files on github :sweat_smile:

What a bummer! I guess you could post the error report anyway and see if somebody can shed some light on it. Personally I haven’t played around with the dev engine, so no idea what kind of pitfalls are lurking in there. But plenty people here have, so maybe it’s something that’s fixable after all.

The first issue with the Mac blocking the .app because it’s not notarized.

I’ll need to see the crash logs for the other issue. What machine and what OS version are you running?