This is already my favourite thread
Why do they do that?
I don’t know, but thank you for the question.
Cats seem to like small spaces, like boxes. Maybe it’s because they feel safe there.
And if they can have a drink at the same time, even better
Mine like drinking out of the tap too. Even if it’s turned off one of them knows how to use her tongue to make a vacuum, and cause a backlog of water to rush out.
I think they just enjoy any novelty way of drinking. And maybe because it’s free-flowing.
I don´t think I know their names, yet? Or if you mentioned them before I might have forgotten.
Samuel L Catson and Roxy.
We used all our energy on naming Sam and couldn’t think of a good name for her. Better than the birth names on their adoption papers though (Simba and Candy).
My friend´s mum named one of her cats Gizmo, named after a famous Mogwai of course.
Pics or it didn’t happened!
Like the cinemas in the 60s?
If this is a “yo mama” joke I´m not getting it.
Evidence Context is everything, Wright-dono.

I don´t think I know their names, yet? Or if you mentioned them before I might have forgotten.
Not directed at me but replying anyway.
This is Kuma (Kurkuma). She’s little miss grumpy needle claws. (When she goes kneading it’s torture; she scratches on the posts all the time too, no idea why her claws are so sharp.)
Here is Nushi (Nuska). She coos like a pigeon.
And finally, this is our cute little baby, Leksi (Aleksandra). She’s the kindest cat you’ll ever meet and she talks a lot.

My friend´s mum named one of her cats Gizmo, named after a famous Mogwai of course.
You know, I can’t think of any place on the Internet more suited for dropping this link than right here on this forum in this thread: VGJUNK: GREMLINS: THE ADVENTURE (COMMODORE 64)