Tell me your dreams

If you do, I’ll take your exporters hostage and sell all the Twixes on the black market :stuck_out_tongue:

Or eat them all.

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:money_mouth_face: ca-chink!

But only if we transport it there in the Smokey And The Bandit way. Meaning I´ll have to wear a cowboy head shave my beard except the moustache and you´ll have to wear a bridal dress.

Of course! (I didn’t knew that it is forbidden to bring white Twix over the border into the UK?)

No, theses dresses makes me look fat.

I think I would drive the truck instead. I just have to get a dog…


No, we´d just do it, because it´s more fun. But who knows what will be legal and not when brexit is finally through…

Then I´m still short of a runaway bride and two bumbling cop persuers that I can lure into driving into rivers etc.

That shouldn’t be a problem. We just stop at a church in France and kidnap the bride. Then the police will chase you automatically. And if necessary, I’m sure @PiecesOfKate will jump into your car.

It is france! I bet that´s not even illegal there.

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Belgium, Netherlands? Maybe we could drive through Italy? Hm… Sorry. I mixed that up with Cannonball

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That’s what I thought when I tried my first root beer ever recently. Because, Monkey Island more than anything else.
Tasted just like mouthwash! I drank half and poured the rest of the can down the drain.


Yeah, it´s like liquid chewing gum.

Right now I´m dreaming that I´m browsing the TwP forum, listening to smooth 80s tunes and writing about the weirdest things with the other guys…


Actually, that’s real life!

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I’ll be in the boot eating all the Twixes.

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I wish there was a button that says 'I really enjoyed that exchange :joy:


Yeah that sorta undermines our cunning plan.

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You just have to drive faster than me in the truck. And maybe we can distract her with an English breakfast?

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I would try super cute kittens.

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Ouch, whiplash.

Self-castigation won´t get you out of this!

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Another thing I have to post into two topics because it fits in both.

I dreamed of this song last night.

My dreams, man. I tell ya…:metal: