Tell me your dreams



Oi, where’s the rest of your dream?

Last night I dreamed I visited Milan (person not place). But it turned into a bit of a stress dream. It was time to go home but I couldn’t find all my clothes. There were these two, older female relatives who clearly didn’t like me. One of them was really smarmy about the fact I’d given her wrong information about an event - “Well she told me it was at 7” (patronising eye roll). They also kept barging in when we were hanging out.

Anyway, these relatives (I think they were sisters to each other) had catalogued and filed all my clothes using this really complicated system, so Milan had to look them up for me to know where they were. For example all my dresses were under a code in giant filing cabinet number 3, and my tops were in number 6. They were all hung and separated, with plastic covers on each.

I was getting very stressed about getting home, and the clock kept changing rapidly. I remember at one point Milan said “It’s okay, you can get the 2 o’clock train” and I was like “But it takes 8 hours and I won’t be home until midnight!” (apparently Dream Kate can’t do basic maths, or realistic transport).

I finally got all my clothes but then couldn’t find my suitcase. I remember getting really annoyed and saying “Why couldn’t you keep it under the bed like normal people do on holiday?!”

We finally headed for the station (with my gazillion items of clothing in tow). At one point a little kid got in the way and I pushed him, then pretended he fell (oops).

Then I woke up.

The funny thing was Milan looked more like a human version of his avatar than the more recent photos he’s posted. I guess it’s because I see the avatar more frequently.



I bet one of them was called Lupe?


It was a busy week :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll try to write down what I remember.

So, as I said, there was a bug in TWP, and I had to debug it. And as I said, the bug was on a cutscene that was triggered in real life, so also the debugging was in real life. It was evening, and I was in a street in my hometown, near the Old Town which is on top of a hill where my University building was located. I knew the cutscene started when going down a chute there, so I first had to reach the Uni. The most obvious thing to do was going uphill.

How? Of course by double clicking the sky. I had a mouse pointer in my field of view. The more I clicked upwards, the more I found myself on a different “screen”, which was a sequence of streets of the Old Town, but pixelated, but also 3D, so kind of like Minecraft, but with a TWP vibe. In one of these streets there was a pub whose sign was Ron’s forum avatar. That’s how I knew I was on the right track.

However, before heading right to the Uni, I wanted to explore more. I kept on going upwards, until I reached a street I had never seen. I was happy, because it felt like an accomplishment, like discovering a secret room. There was a music store with pianos and keyboards on the display window. I “looked at” one of them, and Delores’ voice said “I’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano”. As I “clicked” again, a toy piano turned on and began playing some background music with lights.
“How come I did not see this part of the game”, I asked myself, then my wife called me to remind me that we had to meet at the Uni.

So I head to the Uni, and it’s night, and the only entrance I found is a window on the first floor. It’s not a problem, since it can be reached easily from the parking lot, just a small jump. But I can see that some lights are on, and I don’t want to be seen. I enter the window and hide, I hear people talk in a corridor. They leave, and I meet my daughters on another corridor. I tell them “follow me, I need your help”, and head straight to a small door in the wall where the famous chute is located. It’s green and made of plastic, but it’s too narrow for me, and it’s hot and humid in there. I tell my daughter to slide down there, and she does, but nothing happens. I conclude that it’s because she slid too fast, and she didn’t hit the right spot at the right frame.

“You have to go slower”. And what’s the best way of going slow on a slide? Being naked, of course! :man_facepalming: My daughter undresses completely and sits on the slide, but she can’t slide. She begins to drag her butt slowly on the chute, and as she meets the middle, my breakpoint is met. I see my IDE in my field of view, and I can check the game code. I notice that the cutscene is referencing the DLL of another version which I don’t have installed. I sigh. “Of course”, I say, “it’s always like that”. This is a very common problem where I work now, because we support like 20 different versions of our software and it happens very often that something doesn’t work because it’s a plugin version X but installed on a core software version Y != X.

The joy of having found the problem doesn’t last much, because my youngest daughter, which is also naked, tells me she has to pee. Damn. I take both daughters in my arms and run searching for a bathroom, also trying to hide because not only I broke into the Uni at night from a window, but I’m carrying two naked children under my arms. I enter the bathroom on the hall, close the door… and the floor is dirty as it can be. And the kids have no shoes. So I make my oldest daughter sit in the sink and tell the youngest one to try to pee as I keep her raised above the bowl. All while telling them to remain silent, because there are voices on the corridor again and they might find us.

Part 2 in a few hours - I have to work now!


It’s also the best way to get friction burns all over! :persevere:


Did you actually try going down a slide completely naked? :laughing:


Nooooooo :laughing:
But I’ve had friction burns on my arm before, when the skin has made contact with a slide while going fast. So I can imagine what might happen if more skin was exposed :stuck_out_tongue:


Unless you pee while sliding! :crazy_face:
(Just working with what I have here, folks…)

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I dreamt of meeting with @Frenzie. But after his “dreamboat” post, I have repressed any further recollections of that part of my dream. :smile:


It seems that we have reached the next level in this forum: We now dream about each other even if we haven’t met yet … :crazy_face:


But we have! :scream:



:open_mouth: :flushed:

That´s nice that in your dream I still have (older) relatives that are sisters to each other. That ended this year. :frowning:

Pixelated or more like the actual photo with the crazy hair? :crazy_face:

I feel like I should clarify that I had clothes on, just in case some people are thinking that!

Aw :frowning: sorry to hit a nerve.

Actually, sort of a combination of the crazy hair one and your impression of LowLevel :smile:

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I made no assumptions whatsoever… :innocent:

No problem. Family´s just having it real hard at the moment. :neutral_face:

You really like that one, do you? :blush:

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Yeah :slight_smile: I still think there’s another similar one that got ‘lost’ on here though. Maybe I dreamed it – that is very likely.

Anyway, enough hypothesising about The Various Poses of Milan Fahrnholz (sounds like a tabletop art book).

I´d buy that!

I mean someone has to…


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‘Includes iconic shots At the top of the Ladder and The Stanley-Kubrick-that-is-actually-Daniel-Brühl Stare.’


You only say that because of the beard. If I let my beard grow even more and put on even more weight I will be getting there eventually…

Nothing against the Daniel Brühl look though if it would get me a girl that looks like Dakota Fanning…

I dunno. That drawing of us at the top of a ladder or whatever it was.

I think it’s more the expression.


Or actual Dakota Fanning, if she didn’t do that annoying ‘Whhhhhy whhhhhere you whhhhhaling in Nova Scotia?’ thing.

Oh yeah someone´s drawing. I forgot about that one!

Sure but besides that she was classy and wore those puffy dresses and small hats well. She´s come a long way from littlegirlscreamsalot on Tom Cruises back in War Of The Worlds. Next she´ll be a Manson Family killer in Tarantino´s next movie. :grin: