The 2018 what are we playing thread

Yep :frowning:

I wonder what @ZakPhoenixMcKracken thinks about those guys:


I don’t know if there’s perfect correspondence in English, but in case… the guy on the left is a d!##head!

He looks creepy. Wouldn’t it be much better if he covers his creepy eyes with glasses?

The issue with a wiki is that it will be hard to find back the post after some time (with all the unavoidable off-topic that is bound to happen).
I think a monthly reply will be best

So there really seems to be an unwritten law for me when I´m playing Metroidvanias.
When I´m rather high up a big shaft and drop down I nervously steer left in right missing every single platform so I end up at the very bottom every time! Gwgegnhwgpwhgerrg…:grimacing:

Just do not react at all :slight_smile:

That´s the thing with panic, your fingers twitch. It happened to me in the Metroid games and Symphony of the Night (though that one has not as many high shafts). I love Metroidvania games but that´s a part I always suck at.

Same here, btw. :slight_smile:

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Then you most likely know about this one, but just in case:

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Well, I would like to play these games during 2018:

  • Thimbleweed Park (it’s definitely time for a second playthrough).
  • Complete The Blackwell series.
  • The Darkside Detective.
  • The Secret of Monkey Island.
  • Monkey Island 2 (it’s also time for another playthrough of these two).
  • And some of the Humongous Entertainment games with my children (we will start with Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo).

I’m lucky if I get time to play these games. This is one of my New Year’s Resolutions!


Just finished Axiom Verge, great game! Well done Thomas Happ!

Total time: There seems to be one dot too much, but is it one in the front or at the end? :slight_smile:

Maybe it´s 6 milliseconds? But it was definitly 16 hours and 46 minutes! :slight_smile:

OK, so it wasn’t 16 days and 46 hours (total: 430 hours) :slight_smile:

Nah! I only installed the game on monday had four playing sessions in total (so four times four hours it looks like).

Besides, that way to count wouldn´t make much sense since in the 46 hours is an entire day. So it would rather be 17 Days and 22 hours.

Anyone playing Farcry?

Apparently this one also goes to 60 so you have actually played 1006 hours but don’t want to admit it!

Oh wow, Far Cry 2 is already getting 10 years old in 2018 (and Far Cry 1 was from 2004).
Maybe they will release the third one this year…

Farcry 5 is going to release next year!

Not on GOG. There’s a +10 year time lag :smiley:

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Because of ubisoft´s weird practics?