The 2020 what are we playing thread

Played LUNA The Shadow Dust. It’s nicely done, but in the end felt a bit unremarkable. Perhaps the decision to tell the story non-verbally, without other characters to interact with and mostly through flashbacks made it a somewhat quiet and contemplative experience.

Gameplay wise it reminds me of multiple games; a bit of Gorogoa, Myst, the Fairyland chapter from Chains of Satinav, but also parts that felt rather unique. Puzzle complexity gradually increases, and by the time they get a bit tricky the game is essentially over. Given that one cutscene remained locked after completing the game, I think there might be two different endings.

Apropos cutscenes: aside from one or two less than stellar digital effects, they are gorgeous. (Their style also reminds me of communist propaganda, though I haven’t figured out what exactly evokes that feeling. The content is something that could have come from Studio Ghibli, though. I definitely like them!)