There are several Videos of people that opened it up, but until now I only saw them opening the A500 Mini itself, not the mouse.
I think I now found a way to get Workbench runnig, it should be able to start WB 1.3 & WB 3.1 too. I´ll test that later.
To the downsides:
There are some games that don´t work at all or are to fast. For most problems that sometimes occur you can change settings and you are good to go.
The WHD LOAD Package that comes with it has to contain the Filename of the game you want to start. This works for mostly anything on the most known site for whd Load Games.
a few don´t work. I´ve read about people that had newer versions of the games, that are not in the A500 File and they just edited it to be able to run the game.
I just used another version of the game if I found a non working game.
Or you can use this file directly from the WHDLoad Website, it has way more filenames in it. But it lags of preconfigured settings for gamepad and mouse. The file that comes with the A500 Mini has these settings for a lot of games already. So just start and play.
That doesn´t bother me. There are thousends of games, if a few don´t work, I don´t really care.
But it´s said the Retrogames regularly will update this file. So you can copy a newer one on the A500 Mini from time to time.
Also there seem to be some compatiblity issues with USB Sticks. There are people that had problems getting theirs recognized at all. Mine all work just fine, even the mini USB Micro SD Card stick I´m currenly using works flawless.
And as of now, the is no support for ADF Floppy files oder HDF harddisk files. That´s sort of a bummer.
No ADF support means that currently a huge chunk of games can´t be played, since there just are no WHDLoad installations done for it.
It´s possible that Retrogames will add that support in an upcoming firmware update. Or not, who knows. Maybe some “hacks” will come up to add it. maybe not.
To be clear. The A500 Mini is not meant for hardcore Amiga Users, that maybe even still own and use original hardware.
It´s an emulation machine focusing on the ease of use. And in this it´s awesome.
I don´t have any problems with the donwsides. Yeah if it gets ADF or even HDF support, that would be awesome. If not, it´s still great.
I think there are too many different Amigas and configurations to be able that it could play literally everything out there while keeping it easy to use.
So, can it replace original hardware? No
Is it the best and most capable emulation solution out there? No.
Is it the best and most fun way to play play thousands of childhood games? Definitive Yes! (At least for me)
And you can tinker around with it. That´s really not hard. If you want. But you don´t need.
So after 5 days of playing, tinkering, learning and having a lot of fun - I can still say, I love it and I don´t regret I bought it. None of all the other solutions feel as great as this little thing.
And man, the games look awesome, so sharp and cristal clear. On 24" Monitor as well as on 42" & 65 " Screens. On Pimiga they all look kind of not 100% sharp.
I still want to have Workbench on it. Not to be able to work with it. Just because.
And I want to start “say” and type in stuff ^^