The "Death of Adventure Games"

I do recall that the '00s were particularly devoid of good P&C adventures, and lately they appear to be a bit on the decline again, but the past years they were anything but a dead genre. Completely overshadowed by more widely popular types of games for sure, but at least for me there was a steady supply of fresh, quality gems. My personal P&C adventure renaissance began in 2010 with the aptly named “A New Beginning”, followed by

  • Resonance (2012)
  • Deponia (2012)
  • Chains of Satinav (2012)
  • Chaos on Deponia (2012)
  • Memoria (2013)
  • Goodbye Deponia (2013)
  • Jack Keane 2 (2013)
  • The Night of the Rabbit (2013)
  • Randal’s Monday (2014)
  • Broken Sword 5 (2014)
  • The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (2015)
  • Broken Age (2015)
  • Technobabylon (2015)
  • Deponia Doomsday (2016)
  • Shardlight (2016)

There’s definitely more to be had, depending on your particular taste (and maybe I forgot one or two I played), but I definitely bought more P&C Adventures than, say, RPGs during that period.

Edit: I also remember enjoying this series of articles that covered a wide selection of beloved classics of the genre, in 2014. More proof to me that it is not dead, only niche ;-).