The most ridiculous english swear word

It seems translators did a great job with those movies! Given also their success… Thumbs up for them!

Yeah, they had really cool ideas. :slight_smile: Some more:

„Sein Oberstübchen ist schlecht möbliert!“ (His brain is barely furnished = He is an idiot)
„Ohne Heu kann das beste Pferd nicht furzen.“ (Without hay the best horse can not fart.)

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But you know that one of these Sardines is wearing glasses? :thinking:

That means it had a mother! That Sardine had an overprotective sardinian mother that made tasty tomato sauce!

Both really. 60s were historian films and western. 70s was mostly crime movies(polizioschetti), gialli (movies about masked serial killers) and whacky comedies and zombie movies were all the rage in the late 70s to early 80s.

Oh yeah…and cannibal movies of course. Those were an italian speciality.

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It’s a long way down… to HELL!:japanese_ogre:

Coppo di Marcovaldo’s Inferno, 1260-1270, Florence


That’s okay, I’d be honoured to sleep on an intelligent sardine.

:point_up_2: sentence I never thought I’d say.

It does?

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Way cool, this is on the cover of a history of heavy metal book I have. :metal:

Yes, and it might even have a name!

This is not about cursing but about the pronunciation of english words in general. It´s a sketch from a german show from the 70s where the announcer attempts to read a summary for a fictional british soap opera that involves lots of perculiar family and place names and she gets all tongue twisty on the way.
Really funny and you´ll understand most of it since at some point there is only minimal german involved anymore. :slight_smile:


Dammit, I forgot my headphones today but have bookmarked for later :slight_smile:

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And will attempt to hold back with these things until the evenings. But then there is always the risk that I forget something when I don´t post it instantly as I think of it. :brain: :cheese:

No it’s okay, I’ll just bookmark them :slight_smile:

It’s weird that the cheesy brain looks quite appetising. Especially after I’ve had my lunch.


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To be honest, I was hoping for some more variance there. Like “You f***ing #ssbadger of an old lady”

I like assbadger…


Yeah, it’s a shame we hadn’t had this discussion before those lines were done. We could’ve been a great influence :wink:

Actually that could’ve been a good backer reward, or competition – choose a creative swear word for Ransome.



I’m not sure if this is funny for our british native speakers. :wink: (Because it’s based on the fact that we Germans can’t speak the “th” correct.) It would be interesting to know if some of the towns do really exist. :slight_smile:

(btw: Interesting that you found this sketch by Loriot on YouTube. His daughters have banned or trying to ban all sketches from the Internet. I’ve tried to find “Telekolleg Deutsch für Ausländer” for another thread.)

I believe there is quite a few actually, but I couldn´t find the Advensgedicht, either.

And yeah most of the humor comes from the fact that the "th"s and the "r"s start bleeding into the german words where they´re not supposed to be, but still the names themselves are crazy enough for everyone to understand. :slight_smile:

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I think the most representative case of this in Italy is “socmel”…
It is used only in Bologna area, but it is widely used over there. And I mean WIDELY.
It is considered an all-purpose word, it can be used to express awe, surprise, affermation, negation, highlight. It is so common that by some people is considered… punctuation. And it is so wide used that people say it and hear it without even thinking about the original meaning of the word… I’ve heard it even from old ladies.
Well, actually it means “suck mine”


Hey, nice and interesting link! Thank you!

Fun fact: I once coined an italian expression which is the exct translation of #15.
I was referring to the baby of a friend couple.
That baby was so big, fat, drowsy and -above all- pooping… that I defined him “grosso sacchetto di merda” (big shitpouche).

My wife laughed so much that, from that moment on, we often refer to babies and newborns like that… even in a positive way: “Hey darling, look at that adorable shitpouche over there!”

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