The official language thread

I don’t know and I don’t even care :stuck_out_tongue: as long as they pay me, I can send whatever numbers they want.



All right kids, I gotta get to work. If I don’t input those numbers… it doesn’t make much of a difference.

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Hah! I was just gonna post a meme with that and then I saw your quote.

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If you hear someone say “katso merta”, don’t be alarmed. It’s just a Finn saying “look at sea”.


Here is a screenshot of Tintin from TV. Finnish subtitles with a simple typo, where two letters changed places with each other. It says (about Haddock) “He dehydrated severy and is still whoring”. Should have said “and is still delirious”.


I hear “hi hi hi” as a girls’ laughter in an anime film. “Hee hee hee” is more manly to me.

Also this comes to mind:

BTW, as I was eating a shark fin soup in a restaurant in Zaandam a long time ago, I learned that shark is pretty much the same word in Dutch and in Finnish.

Sorry about all these messages that are now outdated and at this point pretty much out of context, and nobody really remembers the messages this guy is babbling about, but I just (almost) read through this thread and felt like I really could contribute. Of course this is delirious thinking.


Yes, go ahead! :slight_smile: It’s easy to recall the old message you are replying to with a click on the arrow.

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Eeheheh… it seems you know the italian meaning of that :blush:

In Finnish it’s also an elephant. “Norsu posliinikaupassa”. For reasons I don’t know, we have two words for elephant: norsu and elefantti.

Yep :smile:

“Fox in the hen house” (“kettu kanalassa” in Finnish) is the one I know. Someone with bad intentions.

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Check this out, then

So you also have that joke in Finnish, where one fish says Hi! to the other fish and the other fish goes “Where?!?”

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No, but that’s funny :smile:

We have that in german, too.

We also have Halloween as a form to greet the city of vienna as a collective.

So it’s actually whoring thinking?

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They were also playing on that with an ad for some aquarium somewhere in the basic vicinity of Belgium and the Netherlands. It looked a little something like this:

(drat, I think I’m out of practice making quick sketches on the drawing tablet)


Also in Finding Nemo, you see Marlin and Dory when Bruce menacingly appears behind them and just says “Hi!”
(In the Flemish version at least)

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I’ve only seen it in English. I would imagine the joke is the same in the Dutch and the other Dutch version.